Birthday Banquet (21)

"President Su, please take this to Mian for me. Thank you very much." 

With that, Han Yueyao clasped her hands and ran back to her department.

Su Yu was dead in his tracks with a gigantic gift basket in his arms, attracting the attention of all his employees.

"What are you all looking at? Don't you have work to do?" Su Yu was beyond pissed.

Afraid of their boss, all the employees scurried back to work, too scared to say more.

"Here, you take it."

Feeling beyond awkward, Su Yu gave the gift to An.

"President Su, I don't want to hold it either."

It was rare for An to disobey his boss, but as a man's man, he couldn't allow himself to hold the feminine gift basket.

"Oh? You're not listening to me anymore? Do you want me to bring you to the birthday party or not? Do you want to see your precious Lu Yan or not?"

Su Yu immediately went for An's weakness.