So Many Shameless People These Days (16)

"When you came back from the washroom."

"Fuck… You're really good… How did you find out?"

Lu Yan felt her acting skills were super good; she had behaved as low-keyed as her double, so how did he see through her so soon?

Qiao Fei gave her a cool glance.

"Your double has perfume on her… but you don't."

Sudden understanding dawned on Lu Yan when she realized this small detail betrayed her.

Indeed, Lu Yan never used perfume because it was dangerous.

She had spent the past years hunting down people and being hunted down by her enemies, so she couldn't use perfume which would expose her identity. It would be suicidal.

But her double was different. The young girl lived a simple life and loved bags, evening gowns, and luxurious stuff.

Each day after she finished washing up, Qiao Fei saw her spray herself with a luxurious brand perfume, and he had gotten used to the scent after staying by the side of the double for days.