Sweet Burden (10)

"It sounds to be Little Bean…"

Huo Mian sat up immediately.

Qin Chu got off the bed and opened the door. Sure enough, Little Bean was standing at the entrance with hair standing up on end like a Tibetan mastiff.

With tears all over her face, she stood there in her sleeping gown with a doll in her arms.

"Why are you crying?"

Qin Chu squatted down and picked up his daughter.

Then he frowned as he distinctly felt the wetness on her bottom.

"Did you… wet your pants?" Qin Chu was incredulous.

Ever since they could walk, Pudding and Little Bean had seldom wet their pants; they could manage all their potty issues and were always clean, winning constant praises from their grandma.

But what happened today?

"Daddy… I'm sorry…"

Little Bean cried harder and hid her face on Qin Chu's shoulder.

"You wet your pants, Little Bean?"

Huo Mian also looked incredulous…

"Mommy… I'm sorry… I didn't do it on purpose…"