Thank You for Stepping Aside (16)

"Boss, please stop yanking my chain… I really can't handle Miss Han…"

"Funny, as if you can handle Lu Yan…"

Su Yu didn't mean anything by his response but An's eyes flashed with a complex emotion.

He liked Lu Yan… he really liked Lu Yan… the kind of like that grew over time.

Especially after he found out her real identity, he put her on a pedestal and worshipped her like a goddess.

He no longer dared to wish for a chance to confess to her, or even have any contact with her.

All he wanted was to see her as much as possible.

During Huo Mian's birthday party on the boat, when the three of them were beaten up by the maniacal Huo Siqian, it was Lu Yan who descended onto them, saving their lives like some heavenly being. 

What a spectacular fight… that kind of skill, that kind of presence… An would never measure up to her in this lifetime.