Thank You for Stepping Aside (21)

Wei Ying drove to the arranged location.

She waited in line for a while and got a two-seater by the window.

Then, she picked up her phone and texted Shen Mingxi.

"I'm here, I got lucky and got a window seat."

After sending it, she waited for a while with no reply.

"Miss, would you like to order?" the server enthusiastically greeted her.

"Not yet, I'm waiting for my friend to arrive."

The garnishes in river snail rice noodles were very specific. Some people don't like the sour bamboo shoots and some people don't like the peanuts.

So, Wei Ying didn't dare to order, she wanted to wait until Shen Mingxi arrived.

However, she waited for half an hour.

The traffic shouldn't be bad at this hour, he didn't even need twenty minutes to get here from his workplace.

It wasn't normal for him to be half an hour late.

Thinking, Wei Ying sent another text.

"Big Brother Mingxi, are you here yet?"

Still, no reply…