I, Lu Yan, Won't Take the Blame (3)

Han Yueyao was thinking about how to refuse the guy when he said, "I hope you don't get the wrong ideas. I just think we're partners, so our fates are tied together. We can communicate on WeChat if we have any problems with our rehearsals."

Hearing his explanation, Han Yueyao agreed.


She took out her cellphone and let the internet celebrity scan her QR code, letting the two add each other's contact information.

Han Yueyao changed her avatar into a big white bunny with big front teeth; it was super cute.

Her partner's avatar was a fox.

It was like the pair of fox and rabbit in Zootopia.

"See you around."

Saying goodbye to her partner, she walked out of the live show room and left in a car.

The participant that was eliminated in the first round was a popular female star. The reason was that she didn't have any dancing skills; she had just learnt some pole dance from a nightclub.