Don't Comfort Me, I'm Fine (10)

"I wouldn't do such a suicidal thing."

Su Yu: "…"

"President Su, I want you to loan some money, oh, no, advance some salary, to me."

"Advance your salary?" President Su touched his nose tip, feeling curious.

"Yeah, you can deduct it from my income."

"How much do you want? Your character isn't worth much to me, so you'd better not ask too much."

Su Yu said it half-jokingly; in fact, even if Han Yueyao asked for 1 million, he wouldn't refuse her.

Mian had talked with him about Han Yueyao's character and said she could be trusted.

Han Yueyao didn't speak; she just raised five fingers.

"Five million?" Su Yu asked.

Han Yueyao almost spilled her coffee on the table.

"No kidding, boss… I meant 50,000 yuan."

Not five million or 500,000; she asked for only 50,000 yuan.

"50,000 yuan? You ask so little of me? When have I ever loaned someone such a small amount of money? I'll give you 100,000 yuan."