From Now On, I will Protect You (1)

After Jing De heard the question, he responded slowly, "Oh, here's what happened. I found the Chinese consulate and told them what happened. They looked into the records and realized that I was telling the truth, so they re-issued a passport to me which allowed me to come back to China. The truth is, I don't have any memories of what happened before I woke up, but I came back as soon as I recalled you guys. I looked up similar experiences on the internet, it's happened before. There was a man who died, and his soul ended up inside a young child. That young child had the exact same memories and used those memories to find his family. Overseas experts believe in the notion of multiple lives on earth, I heard that the most experienced hypnotist can help a person remember what happened to them nine lives ago."

"Uncle Jing, you sure did your homework." Qin Chu smiled.