The Genius Title is Exaggerated (7)

Huo Mian felt fortunate that she had watched the video clip Zhao Qingya had sent to her as a threat, otherwise she wouldn't have come so fully prepared. She had brought scalpels and anesthetics in the medical kit.

Huo Mian performed the gentlest and most meticulous surgery in her life while Su Yu lay there without feeling any pain.

After the surgery was over, she moistened a white towel she had brought and placed it on his forehead.

Exhausted, she leaned on the wall and panted heavily…

The baby became fussy and began to roll in her womb.

With a smile, she touched her belly. "Baby, don't be afraid. I'm fine. Mommy just did a surgery on your Uncle Su. Let's work together to wake up your Uncle Su, okay?"

The baby seemed to understand her and calmed down a little while later.

With sweat on her forehead, she leaned on the wall and closed her eyes, not daring to think what would happen.