Life or Death (9)

On the other side, Qin Chu and his team faced a difficult journey since the path to the bamboo cottages were full of landmines.

His subordinates were not as professional as Lu Yan's, so one of them stepped on a landmine and got wounded after they ventured only hundreds of meters into the jungle.

Fortunately, Qin Chu had brought a medical emergency kit and he dressed the guy's wound immediately.

"President Qin, don't mind me. Go ahead and find Mrs. Qin."

"We'll go together. I brought you guys here and I must bring you guys back."

Qin Chu insisted on taking care of his wounds; then he led the way, trying to find the location of the bamboo cottages while keeping an eye out for landmines cautiously. The rescue journey was extremely difficult and slow.

Meanwhile, Huo Mian, Su Yu, and Zhao Qingya lost morale when Jack caught up with them.

"You're very fast…"