The Demon With Flawless Acting Skills (1)

Su Yu looked uncomfortable at the words.

He coughed lightly and ignored An's words. He continued, "Good. You can eat whatever you want at Ocean Empire."

"Boss, you're so generous. But… I feel bad; I didn't get first place."

Han Yueyao was sincere. Su Yu had spent lots of energy to face the objections and shoulder the gossip about their relationship to get her into the dance show, but she didn't get the result she had hoped for.

"I'll talk about it with you during dinner. Don't blame yourself."

As they talked, the car stopped slowly at the gate of Ocean Empire.

Han Yueyao thought Su Yu would eat with her alone, or with An as their companion.

But to her surprise, she saw the compartment had about 20 people in it, including her agent and assistant.

"Hello, everyone." Han Yueyao was a little embarrassed.

Obviously, she over thought it. Su Yu invited all the staff working for the dance show to the dinner.