Lin Ya’s Secret (7)

Before Qin Chu could reply, Jing De laughed and said, "Haha. Why don't you deal with me with crosses or garlic?"

"Don't pull this bullshit with me. You're not a vampire. I did an analysis of your body structure. You're an ordinary man with human genes. Don't try to pretend to be a vampire. You killed those children and dogs and cats because you're a perverse killer."

"If you like, you can say that… I think I'm a weirdo, too."

"Do you have partners here?" Qin Chu asked.

Jing De's eyes shifted…

"I won't tell you."

"Oh? It means you do." Qin Chu raised his eyebrows.

"Hahe. If you think so, you can go and find them yourself… But I assure you that you won't find them for the rest of your life. Haha."

"I don't think so."

"What's your purpose of coming to Sky Blessing Court and pretending to be Jing De?" Qin Chu continued. 

Then he pulled the dagger from Jing De's body and blood gushed out of the wound. It was an ugly sight.