Missing You to Death (4)

Midnight in South Hill Manor.

Qin Chu didn't know that his wife Huo Mian was defending him with total trust right now in front of Lin Ya.

He took the excuse of working late on projects and hadn't slept with the fake Huo Mian after she was released from the hospital. 

At first, he had just felt something wasn't right and avoided her subconsciously.

Now that his suspicion was confirmed that this woman wasn't his wife, he didn't want to have any contact with her.

Qin Chu didn't allow the hospital to get rid of the still-born baby and kept it himself. He got someone to do a DNA test on the dead baby and found it had no blood relationship with him.

He investigated the hospital and found the doctors who performed induced abortion for Huo Mian had all disappeared mysteriously.

He knew their disappearance was a ruse to cover this horrible conspiracy.