Huo Mian Ruins Her Own Reputation (7)

Qiao Fei followed Professor Lu into the secret chamber and then Professor Lu closed the door behind them.

The chamber was only 40 square meters in size, but it was renovated luxuriously like an antique Chinese tea room.

The tea table was made of Hainan yellow rosewood.

Professor Lu took a seat while Qiao Fei sat across from him.

"You still don't have any news about Yan, right?"


Professor Lu nodded.

"Uncle Lu, do you know where Yan is? I know she's not dead."

Qiao Fei was afraid to hear bad news about Lu Yan from the professor.

"Don't worry. The girl is tough and I'm sure she's not dead. I guess… I know who took her…" with his head lowered, Professor Lu said slowly.


Qiao Fei stood up in excitement, eager to go to her rescue right now.

No matter who had her, even if she was in the space, he'd bring her back.

"Sit down. Fei, listen to me."

Professor Lu gestured to him to calm down.