Qin Chu’s Crazy Behavior (9)

Huo Mian took off her jacket, hung it up, and sat down on the sofa.

"Go ahead, baby."

"My classmate's golden retriever gave birth to babies; I want to adopt one."

"Wow. That's a good idea. I love golden retrievers, too…" Little Bean was exhilarated.

All kids love small animals.

But Huo Mian's face fell. "No."

"Why not? Mommy, you like dogs, too."

"I like them, but they are filthy with parasites," said Huo Mian.

"It won't be filthy. We'll give it shots and baths regularly; it won't have bacteria."

"Forget it. I won't agree. We can't have cats or dogs in our home… I don't like them."

Obviously, Huo Mian disliked small animals.

"Mommy, you used to like them. You even helped us take care of our bunny, remember?" Little Bean was also sulky.

"It was before, not now… I've got my plate full taking care of you two. I don't have time or energy to keep pets."