Qin Chu's Charm (1)

As they talked, the study's door opened and Huo Mian walked in with her hair down. Holding a cup of coffee in her hand, she walked in with a seductive sway in a semi-transparent silk sleeping gown.

"Is it Mommy?" Hearing the sound, Little Bean leaned over.

"Daddy is busy. Talk to you later."

Qin Chu ended the call immediately.

"Hon, whom were you talking to on video?"

Qin Chu didn't reply; he looked at her unfriendly.

"Were you talking to our babies? I say, you didn't even consult with me when you sent them to travel. Even if you're not pleased with our trip to Japan, you don't have to take it out on the kids…"

"You're imagining things. I would never take it out on my own daughters," said Qin Chu coldly.

"Come and have some coffee. This is your favorite…"

With a sway of her hips, she put the coffee on the desk.