Qin Chu's Charm (9)

I heard it from Xiaoxiao." Han Yueyao's heart was heavy.

"Miss Han, please help Lin. Truly, we can't lose him… We've been friends for years and have had great times together. We're poor, but we share many beautiful memories as we rode motorcycles together; we even travelled to Tibet… Lin isn't married and doesn't have children yet. He's an unfortunate guy and his parents can't do anything for him. He's been on his own all this time, but now…"

The guy paused as his eyes turned teary.

"Don't cry. It's fine. Tell me how much he needs. I'll help him."

"Miss Han, if you can help Lin this time, I and the other buddies of his will do anything for you."

Seeing Han Yueyao was so generous, he got emotional.

"Let's not talk about it. I'm happy that I can help Lin. Now let's go and pay the fees."

"Thank you, Miss Han."

The guy had thought Han Yueyao would ignore them after becoming famous.