Battle Begins (3)

Lin Hang sent Su Xiaoxiao a WeChat message.

It was the first time that he sent her a message after she left.

He knew that if Su Xiaoxiao didn't tell Han Yueyao, Han Yueyao wouldn't have come. 

Lin Hang: "Xiaoxiao, thank you."

Su Xiaoxiao: "For what? For letting you go and not harassing you? Hahahaha."

Lin Hang: "No. I know you told Yao to come."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Yao is a kind girl. I said I'd pay her back, but she refused."

Lin Hang: "Anyway, I must thank you two. I don't know if I have the opportunity to pay back the money…"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Pooh. Don't be a doomsayer. Even people undergoing chemotherapy for cancer are not as gloomy as you're. It's only uremia, something wrong with urination. It's not a big deal. I'll go and ask Sister Huo Mian to help you. She's a great doctor and will find a way to treat you. Don't give up. Life is beautiful."

Lin Hang: "Xiaoxiao, how are you doing in the northwest?"