Battle Begins (8)

"Hello, Uncle Gao," Wei Yunchu greeted him immediately.

"Whoa. Kiddo, you're here, too."

"Yeah. It's winter vacation. I came with my mom."

"Xiaowei, are you busy now?"

"Not now. I just finished one analysis. What's up?"

"Come. I want to talk to you."

Gao Ran beckoned at her and led her to a corner in the office. 

Standing in front of the glass wall and looking at the bustling street below them, Gao Ran asked, "Did you have contact with Mian lately?"

"Yeah. I talked to her on WeChat."

"Did you notice anything wrong?" Gao Ran turned to look at her.

"Not really… But Mian indeed isn't herself lately. She doesn't like to see me or Lingling. I know the loss of the baby is a big blow to her, especially after Xixi's daughter was born. I suspect she blacklisted Xixi because only she didn't give a like to Xixi's baby picture post… But I understand how she feels. Anyone who has gone through so much would feel devastated."