Su Yu In Deep Sleep (18)

"Miss Han, please don't cry… I haven't finished wiping Boss' face… Can you cry later?"

An could understand how Han Yueyao felt, but seeing her cry so loudly, he reminded her.

Upon hearing that he was going to wipe Su Yu's face, Han Yueyao immediately volunteered to do it…

"I'll do it. Give me the towel."


"Give it to me… Stop dilly-dallying. I'm a woman, after all. I'm more meticulous than you."

"Alright, thank you."

An could not persuade Han Yueyao and handed her the towel.

Han Yueyao sat in front of Su Yu's bed and carefully wet the towel.

Then, she gently wiped Su Yu's cheeks.

And his hands.

After she was done, Han Yueyao took out a nail clipper from her bag.

She began to trim Su Yu's fingernails…

Seeing how much Han Yueyao cared about Su Yu, An felt emotional.

So many things had happened in the dream and Miss Han had even confessed to his boss?