In The Remaining Lifetime (72)

"B*tch, you're trying to scare me… People have been threatening me since I was a child…"

Before Brother Tao could finish, there was a muffled sound behind him.

Then one of his men collapsed, his chest exploding.

Because it was a small area, no one else was hurt.

"What… what's going on?" The baldy was also dumbfounded.

"I've installed sticky bombs on all of you… As long as I activate the switch, they will explode one after another… Of course, this drug won't directly kill all of you… However, it will send you all to the hospital for half a year and you'll be disabled for the latter half of your life… However, I'm very kind to you. I've given you more drugs than others. If you explode, not only would you die, but at least three people around you will too… They would be buried with you. Are you surprised?"

Qiao Yuanyuan looked at the baldy and said word by word.