Flying Knife

Chapter 153: Flying Knife

“Yes, Master.” Teng Qingshan did not continue further. He bowed and left.

Zhuge Yuanhong saw Teng Qingshan leave before he smiled and picked up his book. He reclined on the chair and started reading again.


Walking on the road, Teng Qingshan became a little excited. “Based on what master had shared, being in control of one’s inner strength after it leaves one’s body and being able to control one’s inner strength would mean that the ‘Spirit’ has already broken through the barrier of the Niwan Palace. One would already be one step closer to reaching the Innate Master Realm! Isn’t my Saddened Throwing Knives like this? Could it be I had long achieved the first step of achieving the Innate Master Realm?”

He had initially thought that this would be very difficult to achieve, but now he realised that he was almost there unwittingly.