
Dean awoke to the call of birds in a land that resembled paradise.

He was floating in the middle of a verdant forest with purple bushes and large dinosaurs. Strangely, even though he wasn't strapped down, he couldn't move.

He remembered Samuel's last words. No classes for the rest of the day. It would be pretty bad if that meant lunch as well. The only thing he ate in the last twenty-four hours, in the last day, was a fruit, and he felt like if he didn't eat soon he would pass out. Ms. Cameron even slyly suggested he go to the lunchroom and order for two.

Samuel had no idea Dean had a friend helping him 'clear' out his belly. It wasn't good to be him right now.

Dean looked and saw a few of the monsters were walking towards him. To him they just like big headed bears. But they were actually demon beasts and were a lot stronger than he was. Most of the monsters placed in the dimensions were at least at the second pyramid. A microphone seemed to ring in his ears.

"Sorry to have to do this to you, Dean. I had to test your 'blank' element somewhere safe. I'll drop you down in a little bit and activate it" Samuel said, "I promise you'll be fine, and stuffed with food in no time. Just think of this as a gift to the school."

Dean fell on to the ground and rolled over towards one of the curious creatures. Unfortunately, it was much bigger than him. Sort of like A Tyrannosaurus Rex with three heads.

"Help me, Samuel! Please don't do this to me," Dean hollered.

The dinosaur turned its heads and looked at Dean. It flared its teeth before Dean felt a sharp pang in his gut, and he dropped onto the floor. Instantly, the dinosaur turned tail and started running away towards the forests. And though the trees couldn't escape, they still shook their branches hoping a storm would blow them away. Suddenly, a feeling of intense horror seemed to take over his body.

Samuel, back in the lab, had shoved a potion down Dean's throat. He looked at the monitor enraptured by the constant fluctuations. It made completely no sense, but he wouldn't tell Dean that. Why, if he told him Dean would freak out, and it could change the 'blank' element. But it also might not.

"Are you alright, Dean?"

Unfortunately, Dean couldn't answer him. A white energy was surrounding him, and blowing through his ancient cavity. The light started circulating to his heart. It finally made him shine like a hard to understand sun. And the creatures and the birds were beyond afraid. Even the trees had started to break into pieces. An energy that could simply be described as unfathomable started to spread out through the dimension.

A spirit king at the peak of the fifth pyramid swiftly called its forces to try and flee from the force. But all the other animals, whether it was the curious creatures, the forest angels, or the beautiful birds. Everything would be no longer what it was. They were all surrounded by a strange force. The 'blank', force that was soaring out of Dean's mouth as it sprayed out a light show. The only thing that survived was the spirit king. It shivered in the air looking down at its kingdom. It scratched its head trying to figure out what happened.

If the entire world used to make sense, it seemed to all disappear into the king's eyes. There was once amazing loveliness, but now that had changed to pure destruction. What once caused him to want to vomit had now made him want to worship. If it was possible to change everything in the dimension, then the 'blank' element had done it with flying colors.

The 'blank' force wasn't as obvious as it seemed. It wasn't like it created opposites. Like what was once a girl was now a boy, and if that boy was angry he was now happy. It seemed, if it is possible to explain, to change things in ways that couldn't be comprehended. It's like a painter with a horrible eye for reason just turned a world into an abstract picture. And it only took five minutes!

The unfathomable, the 'blank' element, was now unbelievably more incomprehensible.

If there ever was a time this kid was backed into a corner, it would be horrible. The 'blank' element tended to have to reputation to break through barriers. Sometimes it would turn its controller into an overpowered freak, but it could also have little effect. When you compared it to the other elements, it wasn't a walk in the park. Not even close. Even the Demon King had no idea how to utilize it, and he had almost destroyed the world!

Samuel jotted down notes, and watched the charts trying to figure out if there was anything useful. Dean was one of the few kids born with the 'blank' element, and it came with quite the history. All who had it and released it had changed Zenith, their home planet, in different unfathomable ways. Unfortunately, it seemed like he didn't have enough information yet. He sent Dean to the next world and remained upbeat.

Today he would figure it out! He had too! He rolled the tray Dean was was on over to another window, and closed the lid on a dimensional 'oven' after pouring a latency potion down his throat. If someone else in the school saw this, they would feel so mad. This potion could cause someone to break through the barrier of the first pyramid when at the ninth step. It was such an expensive potion few kings could feed it to there children. Dean, however, felt like it was his nightmare. His muscle fibers were vibrating from fear of the white gas spreading throughout his body.

"Dean, you still breathing down there, buddy?"

The young man was now in his sixth testing space and felt five intense periods of something incomprehensible. All of his body, no, every part of his existence was exploding and imploding him back together. Now, at the sixth time, he tried to warn the animals to leave and flee. However, some of these animals were very hungry, and didn't seem to care.

"What are we doing this for, Samuel," Dean asked, "Can you hear me!"

Unfortunately, for Dean, Samuel wasn't going to whisper any pleasantries into his ears.

"Well, I have some good news and bad news. Pick one quickly."

Dean didn't want to pick. He wanted to leave! The boy didn't really know what was going to happen to him today, but Samuel had to continue the experiment. This professor prepared the sixth latency elixir and shoved it down Dean. Interestingly, the worm in his gut was having a party drinking it as well. It was supposed to be a temporary worm! But now it seemed to be building a nest in his sacred cavity. Well, at least the potion was going to increase his power by leaps and bounds! It was like taking the frog out of the well.

Dean replied, "I'd like to hear something good, Samuel." He plopped down onto the floor and bounced into a new world.

"Congrats on reaching stage five of the first pyramid, Dean," Samuel elaborated, "Unfortunately, I'm out of potions after this kid."

Dean felt his stomach rumble like a lions roar, and once again felt the 'blank' take him over. It was the element of god knows what. No one had any idea! It was like a maelstrom, or a tempest, brandishing around in his belly like bolts of confusion.

However, Samuel watched eagerly, as the sixth dimension started to be scrambled like fried eggs. The force traveled even faster now that Dean was stronger. Pretty little doves warped and twisted to whatever it was that the 'blank' controlled. A few of them popped like popcorn, while others turned into beautiful creatures. Samuel tried to determine if it was reason, or sense, or the make up of reality it controlled. But there was something pertinent missing. What exactly was it he wasn't seeing? Well, all these things were written down to be carefully analyzed. Maybe it was some lilliputian, immovable law that would forever escape his grasp. He kicked back in his chair and looked at the data.

Sixth jars of high grade potions had to be thrown away as Dean flopped down onto the stage.

It took Samuel sixty years to gather the funds for those damn expensive potions. Moreover, he had to kill tons of demon beasts that were at his level just to get his brother to help him! His brother was backed by the High throne of Zenith and he'd be disappointed. But to Samuel he had a lot of new data, and he would figure something out soon. At least it was cool to experience something like that. If he only could understand it, perhaps he could control it. Or maybe even stop the prophecy. He pulled Dean out of the sixth oven, and slowly unchained him from the table. The chains disintegrated as soon as they made it to fresh air.

Dean got up a few minutes later. Fluorescent lights glared down on him filing away darkness. And

a plate of food appeared before Dean. His taste buds and the cultivation worm immediately screamed at him to get up and eat it. It was the best food he had ever eaten. It was like desert in the form of lunch. How were they able to make the food taste so delicious? It must of been a demon beast. He thought he felt birds chirping in his gut, but it was actually the cultivation worm nourishing his sacred cavity. It was just supposed to be a temporary worm! Not everything about today was bad. Actually, the food was so good his selective memory took over, and he almost forgot where he was.


"So, you like the food kid," Samuel laughed.

"Yeah!" He munched. "So, can you tell me what you found out about me professor?"

Samuel sighed. "Unfortunately, I wasn't able to figure anything out today. But I'll tell you once I sift through the results. It's still the biggest mystery on the planet. In fact, both Omnipresent, and Omniscient don't know a thing about it. "

Dean nodded.

"Now, unfortunately kid, I'm out of potions. For at least the next year."

"What does that mean, Samuel?"

"You just cost me a fortune kid, that's what. Now how do you feel, stronger?"

"I don't know. I feel this strange thing running through my body. What is that?"

"It's the blank element, Dean."


"Yeah, just don't go using it on anyone. We both know it can't be controlled."

Dean agreed.

"Oh yeah, you have the rest of the day off, kid. Go to the library or do something fun."

Dean waved. "Thanks for kidnapping me, Samuel!" He joked and ran out the hallway.

Samuel stayed behind to clean up all the mess that was left over.

'If only Dean knew how much this experiment cost', Samuel thought, "Oh well, there are still two thrones left in this world to hound."

However, it was then that Samuel noticed a pleasant surprise. When he looked down, he noticed his fingers seemed a little longer, which was good for him since he always had short hands.

'What else can the blank element do?' He started searching through his notes.