The First Incident

"Monica, what are you doing here?" Dean waved to her.

"Hey Dean, how's it going?"

"Not bad, just got done with a meeting" He cleared his throat.

"Oh, a meeting. I see." She noticed the bulge in his sweater. "Did you happen to have a good time at your meeting?"

"Uhm, yeah, it wasn't bad. I might a made a wrong turn and all, but mostly it was good."

"Was it a girl?" Monica leaned in.

"No, no way." Dean blushed. "It was just me and this kid Damen."

Monica wasn't buying it. "I was just in a class with Damen, and he was there the entire time. You do have a girlfriend. I knew my roomie would be a hit with the ladies."

"You really think that I have a girlfriend. I had a girl who liked me back at home, but she's no where near here." Dean sighed.

"Well, come with me to the cafeteria and tell me about it. I'll buy you a round of milk to get you talking."

"What percent is it?"

She laughed "2 percent, it's the really hard stuff. You'll be wasted in no time."

"Oh, well I'll have to take up your offer."

Dean walked down the hallway with her attracting the gazes of lots of people. Including two studs from the sports team leaning on the lockers.

"Who's that with Monica?"

"He's probably just one of her little pawns she raises. You have nothing to worry about Captain."

"If he's by her for more than five minutes, I'll send an icicle up his ass. You with me Tray?"

A girl that was around him leaned in.

"You like her too much, Van. If you keep this up you're never going to get with anyone in your life time."

"Huh, we'll see about that." He smiled over and waved at Monica.

Monica, however, didn't see him. She was just focusing on Dean.

"Well, why don't we follow them, Van." Tray goaded. "We need a mascot for Throw Thursday anyway.

Van nodded.

"Welcome to the finest lunchroom in all the kingdom." Monica said.

Elva was walking by now and bumped into Dean.

"Omg, I'm so sorry, Dean. I didn't see you there. Who's this pretty woman you're with?"

Dean had to rub his shoulder because it hurt.

"I'm his roommate, Monica. He lives right above me, but he drops in occasionally." Monica winked.

Dean laughed, and Elva turned pale. 'What the hell else was in that wisdom fruit,' She wondered.

"Ha, she's kidding Elva. It's a long story, but we're just friends. At least I think we are."

"Yup he's like my little brother from another mother. I'd say we're almost blood."

Elva smiled. "I'm going to sit with Lloyd, Dean. If you want, you can come join us. Great meeting you,

big sister!"

She left and ran over to Lloyd. He was sitting at the table and playing with his food.

"She likes you, Dean." Monica bumped him. "I knew you had that charm about you!"

Van was with Tray and saw the smile on her face.

"Tray, I don't think I've ever seen her so happy before. You see that, over there? She has her arm around him. Can you please go burry him for me?"

Tray sneered. "Yeah, I'll do it really quick. He'll be in the earth crust for the next sixth months."

Dean went up to the window and grabbed a pile of food from the buffet. He'd never seen so many options and picked up so much food he couldn't see. Then he made his way over to Monica who was waiting by the stall gasping in shock. She had never seen a guy with so much food. Suddenly, Dean felt a tug on his shoe. He could no longer move his foot.

"Monica, can you hold this for me?"

"Ugh, sure. Is everything alright? You don't look like everything is alright."

Dean just gave her the plate and pulled his foot out of the floor. His heart was palpitating at fifty miles an hour two times its normal speed. It felt like something was about to happen, and he wasn't sure what it was. But it was going to be something that required two hands. A pile of sand flew towards him.

"Is that Dean, Elva." Lloyd pointed.

"Uhm, yeah, the one with the pretty girl, right?"

"No, the one fighting a sand storm."

Elva turned to look and gasped.

Dean's fighting ability had really improved by leaps and bounds! He spun and smashed his foot into the sand and then more sand would gather. Then it would come back, and he would strike it again.

"Enough," Monica screamed.

Van appeared right behind her. "Why are you so worried about a red cape, Monica. Come on I saved you a seat." He tugged.

"Yeah, in your dreams, Van. Tell Tray to stop, or I'll never sit with you again."

"So, you really don't hate me, Monica. You're not trying to get with this brat?"

"Ha, Van. Your so out of your mind it drives me crazy. Tell him to stop."


Dean's hand glowed white and the first incomprehensible event happened in the school. If you asked anyone, they wouldn't be able to tell you what happened. However, Samuel sort of had an idea.

Tray ended up in the middle of a table spinning around like the bud of a flower.

"Well, I guess I don't have to lie to you anymore, Van. Good luck at the game." She giggled and walked off towards Dean.

Lloyd and Elva just looked at each other and kept eating their food.