The First Quest

Qi swam through the sea of players. He made his way smoothly towards the village elder. It was a smooth walk because of his high Charisma. Charisma is not only used for developing good relationship with Non-Playable-Characters aka NPCs, it also makes a person's character give out a faint aura. As soon as people saw his aura, they showed amazement and let him go through.

Wow, what a good feeling. I feel like I am a King and my good people are making a way for me.

Soon he reached the village elder. He was giving out a quest to another player so Qi waited in the queue. It's not like he was really a King. Within a minute, the village elder finished his conversation with the other player and looked towards Qi. As soon as he looked towards Qi, the elder's eyes were filled with liveliness. It was like someone gave life to those dead and boring looking eyes.

"Greetings from Death Killer, Village Elder" said Qi reverently.

"Greetings Young Adventurer. You seem like a dependable person to me." the village elder spoke with liveliness. Qi felt like he was the one that the elder was looking for.

Maybe it is all because of my high Charisma. I should take advantage while I can…

"Village Elder, you look quite lively today. This small adventurer is here to gain some knowledge about this world and some quests so that he can assist in any way possible." Qi humbly said and slightly bowed to the elder. It was all just a show. It was meant to please the elder. It was not like he meant it from heart. The village elder also knew how sly the adventurers were, but due to the high Charisma of Qi, the village elder thought that Qi meant it from the depth of his heart. The acting of Qi did its work. By the looks of the elder, he was very pleased by Qi.

"Young Adventurer, I will tell you everything you need to know about the world." The elder started explaining how this world worked. Then he mumbled about the history of this world. He told Qi that hundreds of years ago this planet was happy and lively, but one day the whole earth was covered with white light and things started to go awry. Monsters started to invade all the farmlands, forests and many other lands of the world. People couldn't even farm their own lands. Those were very worse days. During those worse days, many brave people came forward and lent a hand to protect this planet. The common people named them Heroes. These Heroes were brave enough to repel those monsters, but they couldn't exterminate them. This went on for a long time until the adventurers showed up. The adventurers were basically people… more like beings from another planet, who were either summoned here or came here of their own will. After that he explained how to open the Inventory by just thinking about it, and similarly if you want to retrieve anything, you just need to think. After the village told about all the basics, he gave him a quest.

This world… is so different from Asura… a person thinks and things happen… wow…

"Young Adventurer, outside the village there are many monsters. These monsters are a great threat for the survival of this village. Can you eliminate 100 monsters and bring back some parts as an evidence?"


[The village elder wants you to eliminate 100 monsters in the vicinity of the village. There are many kinds of monsters ranging from Lvl 1 to 10. The rewards will be based on time spent and quality of monsters killed.

Quest Grade: E]

The person before him got a quest of Grade F and he was asked to kill 10 monsters of Lvl 1. Qi knew that because of his high Charisma he got a better quest and a bigger leeway on how to do the quest.

What is this Grade E ? I need to find out what that means… Help….

A 'Help' window filled his vision and he saw all the information related to the different grades of quests.

The lowest type of quests was of grade F and it was also the easiest. Then the level of difficulty increased. F was easier than E, E was easier than D, D was easier than C, C was easier than B. All quests from C and above were of a very high difficulty, and all quests of grade A and grade B were either related to the Main Story or were Unique and Hidden Quests. There were also quests of rank S which affected the balance of the whole world, but this kind of quests won't be available from starting. It was like endgame content. Qi saw all this Quest Grades information in the 'Help' tab. He was amazed that this kind of help menu is also available in-game. He knew that this help menu will be of much help to him during his journey here.

After he was enlightened with the Quest Grades, he looked back at village elder and spoke with ferocity, "The monsters who wants to harm the serenity and peacefulness of this village shall be eliminated by the hands of Death Killer!" Then he lowered his tone, "Please let this humble adventurer go and bring the heads of all those monsters who doesn't want to live anymore."

He took his leave. People around him was confused. Some people looked at him like he was a total retard. Others, who more intelligent ones, knew why he did that. It was all an act to build up a good relationship with the NPC. Although Qi knew what was happening all around him, he didn't mind what they were thinking at all. As he went farther away from the village elder and towards the north entrance of the village, the people around him became fewer and fewer. Soon he reached the north entrance of the village. He saw that there were so many people waiting around to kill monsters that the monsters didn't even had the time to completely respawn. They were annihilated instantly. People were cursing everywhere. Moreover, it was the Beginner Village so no one was allowed to PK.

What a bunch of losers…

He went farther away from village where Lvl 2 Monsters formed. Lvl 1 monsters were actually rabbits. Not the ones that looked cute and all, these creatures looked totally different. They were purple-colored. Their eyes shone like stars and they had teeths like vampires. Moreover they emitted purple aura which dissipated just after leaving their body. Small rascals. Lvl 2 monsters were insects. They were similar to honey bees. But the difference was that they were as huge as a normal person's head.

F**k, these are some huge honey bees.

This area was less contested. People formed groups and tried to kill these monsters. One should note it down that leveling in this game was like climbing a mountain. So it can be safely said that killing Lvl 3 monster now was as great as killing a same level boss without any armor. There were different type of monsters that were known. Normal monsters, Elite monsters and Boss monsters. There were different kind of Bosses too. But for now, only normal monsters spawned. There was a notice on the official website that the higher grade monsters won't be released for few hours after the release. Qi didn't waited in the Lvl 2 area and moved forward to Lvl 3 area. These Lvl 3 monsters were plants. Sunflowers. They looked innocent from far, but when someone goes near them, they suddenly tend to get a face and starts to attack them with seeds. Qi could kill them easily with his reflexes, but he didn't want to waste time here as he wanted to level up faster.

Qi was Lvl 0 so he can easily fight a Lvl 4 monster without any suppression. If a monster is high-leveled then there will be a suppression of attack power and defense power of the player. It is basically sending yourself to an early grave. Although Qi was confident that he could kill a Lvl 5 monster, he didn't wanted to risk it as he wanted to make the most of his time. It was not feasible to kill a Lvl 5 monster at the current time He entered the Lvl 4 hunting area on the north side of the village. This area had Lvl 4 bears.

These bears were the size of human beings, but they emitted that same purple-colored aura like all the other monsters Qi saw. It seemed like they all were possessed. Qi looked up inside his inventory bag and found that he was given a beginner sword. It had an attack power of 5-10. In this game the attack power of the weapon and the base attack power was added to get the final attack power. So if Qi used this sword, he would deal around 44 – 49 damage per hit. The ability of making a strike depended on the user and his stamina. Qi saw that he was given 5 Steamed buns of excellent quality that replenished 50 Stamina per use. Stamina decreased as per how the user moves. If he makes a lot of movement in little time then the stamina will drain fast. The average rate of stamina depletion was 1 per hour. This rate was when the person didn't moved at all.

Qi didn't gave much importance to stamina. His main focus for now was to kill as many bears as possible. He left that sword inside his bag and took out the legendary weapon. The stats and effects were astounding. If anyone saw this stats then they would die from shock!

[Weapon Name: Trishula of Shiva (Dual-handed) Grade: Mysterious Legendary (Unique)


Level: 0

Vitality: 8

Strength: 10

Attack: 150 – 190

Parry: 100

Critical Rate Increase: 10%

Critical Damage Increase: 100

Durability: ???/???

Additional Skill:

Wrath of Shiva: Increases your overall attack by 300% and the chance for Critical hit will be maxed. Can be used 3 times a day. Uses all MP. If the MP is not full, uses HP instead.

Note: Other Skills and stats are locked. The stats increases as per the user level.]

Whoa! It gives base stat points… Wow! At this stage of game, this thing is the best. Moreover no durability loss! And an additional skill. How wonderful.

After equipping the Trishula, Qi's HP was 160 and Attack points were 219 – 259. The health of Lvl 1 monster was around 80, Lvl 2 was around 130, Lvl 3 was around 170 and Lvl 4 was around 220. What that meant was Insta-killing Lvl 4 monsters at Lvl 0! Never in history has anyone seen it. Forget seeing it, no one would have even thought about it! This weapon is just insane! Now Qi understood the true value of the Ultimate Gift. Ridiculously OP.

50 Million was totally worth it! Even if I obtained just this in those 8 gifts, then also I would have been happy!

He laughed out loudly. He was so happy. When he looked at the additional skill, he almost fainted. 300% attack increase!! So basically when he crit hits with the skill, he will have a damage output of 876-1036!! Almost breaking 3 digit attack power at Lvl 0. What is this? Reincarnation of God himself? Moreover it's an AoE attack. Combine it with 'Kill Treatise' and its a killing machine.

This quest, combined with the weapon he had, felt like it was even easier than Grade F quests. He calmed himself down, but his heart was still beating so damn fast. A strike from Lvl 4 monster was basically insta-kill for a Lvl 0 player, but Qi has 160 HP! Even if his defense is ignored, he can withstand a strike from a Lvl 4 monster. He went to a bear who was mauling at a random tree.

[Name: Wild Bear Level: 4

HP: ???

Description: It is unknown how these wild bears appeared around the vicinity of the village. These bears are aggressive and they will attack any living beings other than their fellow mates. These bears have high attack and defense capabilities.

Note: You cannot see the stats of the monster.]

It was understandable that Qi can't see the stats as the bear was a higher leveled monster. When Qi entered the aggro-range, the bear looked at him and charged as if it will rip Chang Qi apart with one single blow. That might have been true for random Lvl 0 player, but this was Chang Qi. Qi let him hit once, just to analyze how much attack power the bear had.


A red damage text appeared above his head. He gasped and instantly made a gap between him and the bear. Barely alive. A measly 2 HP. He laughed at himself. Pathetic. He decided to avoid getting any damage whatever the case. Then he got hold off this weapon. It was a dual-handed weapon. Although Qi was a swordsman, he had a spear in his hand. Yes, Trishula was a three headed spear. With Trishula in both hands he charged forward like wind, towards the bear. The bear readied itself to hit Qi once more. It had the same expression of tearing Qi apart. Instead of dodging, Qi thrust the Trishula straight towards the bear's chest.


The bear's paws never reached Chang Qi. It was like the bear was staked to death by Qi. It was an amazing scene. Qi's pose was elegant. If his clothes were changed to a royal uniform, then it would have been more elegant. But in the end it was a Lvl 4 monster area and it was the beginner's village and there was no audience. Qi's first kill. Insta-kill.

After the bear's body disappeared, it dropped few things. 10 copper coins, Bear skin, bear claws and a Lvl 3 Old Sword. The sword had an attack power of 35-40. Qi tossed it into his inventory without even looking at the stats. Why would he look at it? He had the Legendary Trishula.

So the Wheel of Luck works behind the scenes. Well that is nice, my vision won't be spammed every time I kill a monster.

He guessed it right. The Wheel of Luck spins behind the scenes every time when a monster is killed by Qi. It takes less than a second to determine the result. Truly awesome functionality. After the first kill and some analysis of the mechanism of the Wheel of Luck, Qi observed his surroundings and determined his path and went ahead.

It took less than an hour to kill all the 100 monsters. It was basically insta-killing monsters with his basic attack. After killing 100 monsters, Qi realised that he didn't had any skills, other than the one the Trishula had.

Wow, amazing! Any other person would have been able to do what I did right now with this trishula. I need to get a tougher quest from the elder next time. And.. I need to get some skills. I can't rely on my basic attack only. It's too primitive.

Thinking about his primitive and crude attack style, he decided to ask for some skills from village elder. He headed back towards the village. While killing 100 bears, he eventually leveled up to 2. If someone started a survey then they would have found out that the average level was still 1. Only a handful of the players were at Lvl 2.He had 20 points to allocate and he allocated 10 to Strength, 4 to Vitality, 2 to Fortitude, 2 to Intelligence and 2 to Spirit. He felt happy and checked his stats.

[Name: Death Killer Profession: Swordsman

Level: 2

Stat Points

Vitality: 12 (+16) HP: 280

Strength: 23 (+20) MP: 80

Fortitude: 9 Attack: 86

Intelligence: 8 Defense: 27

Spirit: 8 Magic Attack: 12

Stamina: 100/100 Magic Defense: 12

Innate Attributes

Willpower: 91/100 Reflexes: 86/100

Luck: 25 Comprehension: 20

Charisma: 35

Other Attributes

Critical Rate: 1 1% Critical Damage: 522 – 562

Critical Defense: 0 Damage Reduction: 0

Health Regeneration:

In Combat: 0 Out of Combat: 7

Parry/Block: 0

Pierce: 0


Fire: 0% Water: 0%

Frost: 0% Wind: 0%

Earth: 0% Lightning: 0%

Light: 0% Dark: 0%

Additional Damage:

Fire: 0% Water: 0%

Frost: 0% Wind: 0%

Earth: 0% Lightning: 0%

Light: 0% Dark: 0%]

He noticed that the Vitality in his weapon increases by 4 every level and the Strength increases by 5 every level. Moreover the attack increases by 50 every level! Combining these 3, the higher the level, the better! He was content and leisurely strolled on the path towards the village.

Suddenly he heard a girl shrieking.