
As expected of Qi's mom, she was really angry.

"Where were you? You know I have been waiting for almost 2 hours now. You got a new game and you forget your own mom? How can you be so careless?"

He heard her scolding for another 10 minutes until the angry flames were doused.

"I am so sorry mom. I got stuck up on a quest so I couldn't even inform you that I would be late.", he said with a pitiful face.

He gotta suck up to his mom. He could act all spoiled only in front of her.

After she realized that she scolded her a lot, she hugged him and almost cried and said, "Dear, I told you before too. Don't do anything before telling me. If I lost you, it will be equal to losing my life."

Qi felt somewhat guilty and said, "Yes mom. I will tell you when I will be late every time from now."

"Alright. Let's go down and have dinner. I have been waiting for you to come so I haven't eaten yet. I am so hungry."

"What are we waiting for? Let's go."

While having dinner, he said, "Mom, I will have to leave home for a week or so. I need to meet up some friends."

His mom raised an eyebrow. But didn't ask many questions. "Ok. But take care of your health dear. You know, while you are away, I might as well try this new game that you are so addicted to."

"Awesome. You will love it for sure." Although he was excited in front of her mom, he was a little worried. He didn't know many answers to many questions so he could just flow along the tide. If his mom learned what he had gone through, then she would absolutely stop him to play for sure. In the end, he could only lie to her.

They finished their dinner and then retired to their rooms.

In his mom's room.

She took out his phone and messaged a number.

⬅️`He will leave here tomorrow. I don't want to know anything else. Just, please take care of my son.`

➡️`No need to worry, I will protect him.`

⬅️`Thank you`

In his room.

He messaged M1.

⬅️`I will come to your place tomorrow for a week. Prepare a room for me.`

➡️`Sure brother.`

M1 didn't ask many questions. He knew that if his brother makes a move, the future won't be calm. He could also infer some meaning as to why he was coming here. It has to be related to that game.

⬅️`I'll see you tomorrow afternoon.`



The next morning.

He woke up early and got ready. To his surprise, he already found his breakfast ready. There was a note by the table.

📝`Remember to eat food every day. Take care of your health. Don't trouble your host. And remember to call me every day. Or at least send me a message so that my heart remains calm. Take care, dear. I need some more sleep. :-)`

His heart warmed up. He could feel his mom's concern.

'Maybe because of all these little things is what makes me going on.'

He wrote another note and stuck it on the table.

📝`Don't worry mom. I will take care of myself and I will remember to send a message every day. Bye.`

Then he left his home in his Lamborghini. M1's home was around 2 hours drive from his home. But he didn't go there immediately. He went to a restaurant named V-sion. No one in the public knows who owned the company. He went to the counter and showed a card to the lady who was sitting there. When she saw the card, she immediately stood up and showed him the way to the only VIP room in the restaurant. It was a Platinum card which he got from the owner of the restaurant. He knows the owner because she was the one who saved all of them. He didn't know her name or anything. He didn't even know why she gave her the card before she left. He hadn't used it till now. But he felt that whenever he used it, it will be for his benefit. She wouldn't give him a top-class card just for filling his stomach.

As soon as he entered the room, two dudes with stocky builds, looking like bodyguards, attacked him. It was good that he had extraordinary reflexes or else he would have been beaten black and blue.

He saw a punch coming to his face. He moved his head a little so the punch was for naught. At the same time the other dude tried to hit his leg. Qi lifted his leg and hit the other dude's knee in an instant. He controlled his force and where he hit. Or else that dude's leg would have been wasted. After that moment, he lifted his and hit the first dude's hand at the elbow. In just a simple exchange both of the dudes knew that they were not his match. They simply stood straight and bowed slightly.

"Sorry for the trouble. It was to check the identity of the cardholder. How may we help you?" The dude who attacked first spoke.

"I need you to protect a person. Can you do it? I hope that this card is worth anything."

"You must be joking Mr. Qi. This card can get you protection which even the President of the US wouldn't be able to get. Rest assured the person whom you want to protect would be the safest person on the entire earth."

"That's quite a claim, you know. You better protect her." after saying that in a flat manner, he gave her name and his address. He reminded them again to protect her well. They could also feel the threat if they didn't do their job seriously. They exchanged their numbers in order to keep in contact.

After settling the matter of his mom's protection, he went on his way towards M1's house. While driving he remembered that girl whom he promised a date. Pity that he didn't like her. 'Let her decide the date. After that, I would be free from the promise.' He sighed.

After more than an hour later, he arrived at an apartment. It was a simple apartment for a middle-class person. Although the rates were high, M1 could afford it.

All the other 7 brothers of Qi were top-class experts and they were the heads of their organization. Qi knew about all that but he didn't join it as he wanted a peaceful life after all that running around until 2 years ago. He just wanted to live a peaceful life with his mom. He knew that in order to survive, blood needed to be spilled. The other seven were called M brothers and they had quite a name out in the world, but no one knew who they were or where they lived. They never took a mission where they felt that by doing this it would only harm common people. They always took missions where they felt that it was the right thing to do. Of course, there were times where they fell in a pinch and asked Qi for help. Qi never said no and helped them. They had a relationship deeper than blood as they had spent their lives together while surviving from those hot pursuits from an organization whom they couldn't even identify. It was a miracle that after that sea incident 2 years ago, they thought that all of them were dead and stopped their pursuits. At around this time, they established their organization with the help of that mysterious lady. Although they were around 16 years at that time, they had a maturity of an adult. If they were coward and childlike, they would have been dead.

Although it was hard, they persisted. And made a name for themselves. Sometimes they acted as a goodwill, and sometimes they worked for money. It was not all killing. They also did charity for orphans because they knew the pain of growing up without parents. Although they had earned quite a bit these 2 years, they were not overly rich. It was not enough to buy information of that mysterious organization which was chasing them. Qi went into the gaming career, while the other 7 went to do odd jobs and would help Qi sometimes in the game.

"Brother Qi, you came at last. I have got some lunch ready for you." M1 opened the door and invited him happily.

"No need to be so courteous M1.," he said and gave M1 a bear hug.

They went inside and Qi laid on the sofa while M1 prepared the table.

"There are no recording devices or hidden cameras in your house, yea?" Qi suddenly asked.

M1 was somewhat confused but eventually replied, "Heck no, brother. I don't have an obsession with recording my own private life."

Qi felt relieved and continued, "The game Shou Online is not just a game. It is much more than that. The earth's future depends on it. Level up as fast as possible so that we can be in a dominant place. Although I don't think it will be of any help, it's better to be best at the start rather than being a late bloomer. I won't say much as of now, but as soon as I get more info and more powerful, I will let you all in. Trust me for now."

M1 fell silent. The atmosphere was heavy when they started lunch. M1 didn't ask any questions though he had many. He just decided to follow Qi. Same as they followed him until the end 2 years ago. They would have died early if they didn't follow him. They knew that they were going to die, but they still followed him. Who would have known that there was a miracle waiting in the end? They were saved! They all trusted Qi more than they trusted themselves.

"By the way, I might disappear for a few days in the game. Don't open my room at all unless I come out of the room myself. Also, can you do me a favor? Can you message my mom every day that I am fine? I don't want my mom to worry much." saying that he gave his phone to M1.

M1 was again surprised. Why would he disappear while playing a damn game? His mind was reeling. In the end, he shook his head and said, "No worries. I will handle it all."

Qi felt more relieved after hearing that. No questions asked. He had answers to M1's questions, just that it was not an appropriate time to reveal the answers so he didn't push M1 to ask him questions.

After having lunch he retired to his room.

'I will grind to level 10 and then visit the hidden realm in the evening. Cultivation World, here I come.'