
Anna woke up earlier than usual. The sun had yet to rise, but she was wide awake. Stifling a yawn, she got out of bed and headed into the kitchen to grab some breakfast.

She poured breakfast cereal into a bowl and apple juice into her glass. She sat at the table while she ate, staring out the window. There were plenty of clouds in the sky still, for it had rained overnight.

The thick, gray clouds covered the cold night sky, creating a depressing sight for those awake at that hour. But all of a sudden, the sun peeked over the horizon; its bright rays pierced through the dark veil of night. The sky was no longer completely tainted by the dark clouds; the sun was like the beam of a lighthouse in a bleak, desolate ocean.

As silly as it might seem, seeing the sun rise up and illuminate the world despite the gloomy sky relaxed Anna slightly. In her own current gloominess, she felt that she needed to be the one to step and illuminate the truth for Roland; however, she didn't know if she had the courage to confront him again.

'I would like to be like the sunny, to illuminate his world. You often don't realize how dark it's gotten until someone turns on a light. He just needs someone to flip the switch to make him see.'

After finishing her cereal and juice, she went to the bathroom for a shower. Since she was up earlier than normal, Anna decided to take her time and try to relax before what could turn out to be a very frantic day.


Although she wanted to relax, her mind kept jumping back to the same topic.

'I still don't know what to do. On one hand, I've already done my part. I've told Roland who Veronica really is, but he didn't believe me. On the other hand, he my boss, my employer, and my crush; I truly don't want anything to happen to him.'

Anna rubbed the shampoo in her hair as she went over the situation again and again. Even as she got out of the shower, she was still having trouble deciding what to do.

'I know, I'll simply give Carter the first answer that pops into my mind when I see him.

'We may not have known each other for long, but he seems nice, after all, he did save my life.'

She continued getting ready for the day ahead. As she didn't know if there would be any confrontations or not, she wore one of her smarter outfits and was especially careful in applying her makeup.

'I wonder what Barov thinks of all this; it would be nice to talk to him about it.'

Obviously, as Barov was Roland's closest confidant, he couldn't talk to her about such sensitive matters, especially when said matters concerned her.

'Ah well, there's not much more I can do for now. Even if I do decide to work with Carter on this, it's unlikely to lead to much today.'