You might hate knowing it has been five months since the last chapter. However, it was for a good reason. All the players have finally gotten together and finished their training sessions.
Tao Lin now had mastered the wind saw arts, and the rest of his family had gotten up to the fourth Qi Condensation stage.
Diana Hong was up to the sixth Qi Condensation stage, while Tao Lin was up to the eighth.
The Alchemist was off doing his own thing currently. He was trying to get ready for his mission to the Egyptian tomb. All he needed now was for Tao to break into the Foundation Stage.
Tao Lin and his four family members, Natalia, Yeoh, Arden, and even Derek were standing on the field lining up for the battle. Yes, Derek had made it into the game two months ago. His mother made sure to immediately throw him into the fray. He was at the fourth Qi Condensation stage.
It seemed like a good day for a battle.
Natalia was standing right next to her son as the flock's commander came over to offer terms.
This was an official war they, the Antarcticians declared for a small territory just west of Engloss Island. They were planning on, hopefully, winning the territory, and a few items for some of the new team members. They, now, had forty people in the Antarcticians, and surprisingly 80 percent of them were girls.
"So, you dare fight us the might warlords. Your son here couldn't even lick my shoe."
This big pretentious monster was trying to scare them. They weren't scared at all. In fact, they'd already destroyed three other teams in these parts. They were trying to get enough space for a castle.
If your wondering, why would you need four territories for a castle? Well, it was the rules of the system. And Tao Lin had learned to follow the systems rules without questioning them.
"I'll bet my son will wipe out half your team in the blink of an eye, and then we'll ransack everything precious you have. Do you here me Warlord General. The war is declared!"
Tao Lin couldn't help but stare at his mom.
Diana Hong also looked over at her with a similar expression.
Arden, as usual, was standing by Chrissy and Rossie. He was trying hard to protect them.
"You ready for battle, Arden?" Chrissy asked.
"Yes, we can't wait to see what you can do!" Arden nodded.
Behind them was the rest of the new members. There were about thirty girls, and ten boys.
All of them were somewhere between the first-qi and second-qi.
"The War will begin in five seconds."
Tao Lin charged out front immediately as the warlord Calvary charged.
He stared at a small man on the horse called "Harrington Warry."
Harrington waved his hand as the horses branched off around him. They bifurcated once more and spun in a circle around Tao Lin.
"Just because your level Qi-eight doesn't mean we can't beat you! Men charge."
Tao Lin spun his blade as ten large gales spun around him. In his hand was the [knight's labyrinth spear.] He had earned it at fire volcano after two months in hell.
"You've activated fusion ability of the [knight's labyrinth spear.]"
A huge fire tornado of wind glowed with a ruby like color.
The monsters around him drew out their blades and sent out coils and springs of energy. The forces clashed as the atmosphere in the game changed colors highlighting the intense battle zones.
Tao Lin didn't have time to waste with these small-fry. He wanted to go and talk to Diana more. She was pretty. This was especially true in the Amazonian garb, with the glowing red blades. He was still jealous of her weapon because his spear only ranked emerald. He had to kill a mighty boss for it too.
Back at fire city dungeon, he had to face this halberd wielding fish dragon monster with two times more power than he should have had. It took him nearly an hour to kill him after he used up all his resources. He was still terrified from the encounter. Diana, on the other hand, had to return a key. What the hell did the system have against him?
Tao Lin sent out three wind saws into the air at the knights on the horses.
The knights tried to fight back. They swung their blades and also unleashed phantoms of energy.
However, once the numbers started popping over their head, e.g., 50000, 60000, 80000, 20000 Tao Lin knew he was doing alright.
Five horsemen dropped down to the floor and vanished into puffs of coin. All that was left was the occasional pills, and weapon. However, Tao Lin had his eyes on Harrington.
This man was worth something. That's all he could tell. So, without ado, he instantly activated [fire tempest], and instantly appeared in front of the glowering commander.
"Ding Ding Ding"
Tao Lin slid back as the pressure of the commander's spear caused his knees to buckle. The dirt in the ground couldn't handle the pressure and the sands shot up into the air. Suddenly, their battle was hidden from the world.
"Tao Lin," Diana screamed, "I still have so much to tell you!"
Diana Hong had spent months contemplating how to tell him how she felt. She thought about it every night. This time she would tell him, for her family. She saw them a few days ago before they went back to sleep. Hopefully, when she was strong enough she'd be able to save them. The Alchemist had promised he'd deliver after they cleared out the tomb.
"You should keep your eyes on the battle field." A warlord swung a hammer into Diana's back as she skidded along the ground." Yeoh was right there to pick her up.
She dusted off her dress and smiled up at Tao Lin's brother. "Thank you!" She had to make his family like her.
Yeoh was smiling at Diana because she was so beautiful.
Every guy falls under the spell of a different girl, and he was under hers.
Natalia was over fighting the warlord who was one level higher than her. If it wasn't a challenge, she wasn't interested.
"Clang Clang Clang"
The soldiers stayed back and scratched their heads dodging the energy blasts coming off of their swords.
What kind of weapon was that woman wielding they wondered?
Arden, however, was surrounded by girls trying to fight off a slew of undead that spawned around the weaker players. He was the commander in charge of some of the new recruits.
"Charge! For the love of god, charge!"
His platoon was only woman, while Yeoh preferred to be with the guys. There were only seven guys, but they preferred to be called the wolf pack.
"We shall not lose to the girls even if it kills us!"
Yeoh charged after smiling back at Diana one more time.
It was just a normal day in the Antarcticians busy schedule.
Very busy.
Tao Lin swung his blade and countless phantom images appeared in different locations in a burning gale.
Harrington parried and replied. They would move around the battle field, and Tao would kill his soldiers along the way. The warlord was getting very pissed, and it was exactly what Tao Lin was waiting for.
"You've enraged Harrington Warry. His powers have been amplified."
Tao Lin smiled as the monster got even faster. He would get an even better reward now once he sliced this monster in half. Luckily, his training with the Prince Toad had been very useful. He instantly appeared in front of the angered Harrington.
"You killed Harrington Warry. You've acquired the blessing of the warlord."
Tao Lin smiled as a new title showed up over his name, an object was right in front of him.
The Alchemist entered a dungeon with spooky cobwebs, and huge pictures of dragons on the walls.
"It should be around her somewhere."
The Alchemist was hoping to find the answers to his questions here…