Wu Yagui

"Stupid! Don't you hear me?!"

A gruff voice angrily rebuked Zhao Long, whose expression was quizzical.

'This is one weird dream.' he thought, as he ascertained that the place he was in was most likely a dream.

"It's not a dream bitch! I'm real! We are in your consciousness."

The voice said matter-of-factly.

Hearing the crazy voice, Zhao Long was speechless.

"Then why are you in here? Who are you?"


At his questions, the voice went quiet, though not for very long. After a few minutes it replied.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, Oh, you don't remember me at all! Ahaha I see, no wonder you were so stupid!"

Zhao Long's eyebrow twitched as he found the voice kept on laughing. He was beginning to find the voice rather annoying. In fact, Zhao Long felt slightly irritated at the way the voice had been speaking to him.

"Shut up!" he shouted.

"No way! No way! How did such a scary beast like you end up in such a childish body! And that stupid attitude of yours… Yeah, you're the same ridiculous beast I know!"

Zhao Long gave up on trying to make sense of the voice's endless chatter and confusing words and instead asked, "What dragon? Will you shut up? And why aren't you showing yourself?" in a rather annoyed way.

Zhao Long had always been blunt with his words, always asking what needed to be asked and getting to the point. When the voice heard his questions, it didn't hesitate to show himself, although rather reluctantly.

"Ahhh, ahhh, look what you've become. So pathetic! Your daddy feels that Miss Yulin is such a waste on you, maybe if I went for her now she wouldn't reject me kekekeke" said the voice sinisterly.

Zhao Long's consciousness was like a white space, and Zhao Long himself was only in his spiritual body, so when the mysterious voice 'revealed' himself, Zhao Long heard someone breathe down his neck. The sudden feeling managed to give him goosebumps as he swiftly turned around in surprise.

"Your father greets you, motherf*cker!"

In front of Zhao Long was a young boy of about 10 years. His eyes were the colour of blood, with hair as white as the snow. Were it not because the boy had two small protruding horns coming out of his head, a pair of black demonic wings on his back and wore an attire that was rather… revealing for a child, Zhao Long would have thought that he was a normal 10 year old boy that looked like an innocent little rabbit. In fact, those were not too much of a problem, as his clothes were what made his appearance rather enchanting to the eye and any normal person would have long been captivated by the young boy. However, it was his awfully disgusting words that saved Zhao Long from this enchanting boy's appearance.

"A demon?" Zhao Long held back his rage and maintained a composed attitude upon hearing the deeply insulting words of the boy.

Hearing his words, the boy's face darkened and he scoffed in contempt, but still gave Zhao Long a reply.

"Your sister! To think someone would believe I'm a mere demon?! You have to be kidding brother!" his voice became rather exasperated as he continued to vent his anger. "You think I'm a demon?? I'm your daddy! The overlord of Hell, I'M THE DEVIL BITCH!"

"The devil? What's that?" Zhao Long was starting to grow accustomed to the boy's foul language, so he simply learned to filter his bad language and reply with a carefree attitude.

"Woah... you're for real?"


"Sigh…That's no fun then."

Seeing that Zhao Long didn't seem to react to his provocations, the boy switched to a more straightforward method as he grabbed Zhao Long by the collar.

"It seems this daddy needs to remind you of who I am kekeke."

And with that sentence, Zhao Long was overtaken by an excruciating pain in his chest. Everything had happened in an instant. The boy had impaled his heart with a sword that materialised out of nowhere.

"You-" he managed to say before he coughed out a mouthful of blood.

The last thing Zhao Long could hear was the boy's annoying laughter as he closed his eyes and blacked out.


"Wake up silly!"

A sweet yet melodic voice rang as Zhao Long opened his eyes. In his vision lay a sweet fifteen-year-old girl with crimson hair and emerald eyes glancing at him with a bright smile.

A feeling of overwhelming sadness came over him the moment he saw her. He wanted to ask where he was, who she was and why she knew him, but somehow he found his words were caught up in his throat. Her sweet appearance made him want to hug her immediately and never let her go.

'Who is she?!' he thought as he looked at the girl. However, this question was soon answered by himself.

"Yulin." he said while finding his voice was rather hoarse.

Zhao Long was puzzled. Just now, it was he who spoke, and yet he didn't know how he knew this name. His intense feelings seemed to be increasing as he glanced at her eyes.

"Ah! Why are you crying?" the girl called Yulin asked in concern. She quickly used her hands to wipe away something off his face.


Hearing her words, he quickly reached for his face, but was instead met with the hand wiping his tears. The hand was delicate and yet so familiar to the touch. Zhao Long was lost in thought as he grabbed her hand. At some point, more tears streamed down his face. The sadness he felt was too overwhelming, as though she was the most precious thing in the world, a thing that he had long lost but had now found.

Upon seeing his incessant tears, the girl didn't know what to do, seeing his sad expression she did the only thing she could to calm him down.

Zhao Long, whose tears seemed to be streaming down uncontrollably, felt it was impossible to stop himself from crying. It was when his vision was completely blinded by his tears that he felt a soft, yet warm sensation touch his lips. At that instant time seemed to stop, an immense happiness flooded him and everything became clear to him.

The girl–


Yulin had used her lips to prevent him from crying. He instantly felt a warm sensation on his chest as the tears which had previously blinded him dripped down his cheeks. Suddenly, everything was clear. He knew where he was, and why he was there. He knew who the girl was and why she had kissed him. Why he had become sad once he had seen her, and yet so incredibly happy when she had kissed him.

He knew why she felt so much concern for him, or rather–

He finally remembered.

The moment those delicate cherry lips met his, countless memories flooded his mind, as though he was reliving them. He remembered the girl, and he remembered who he once was; a powerful dragon captivated by a human girl.

Their lips parted, and he simply smiled warmly at the girl.

"You're young again." He said as he caressed her cheek with loving eyes, "Yulin…"

The young girls eyes simply stared right at his, a smile still on her face.

"I'm sorry."

Zhao Long's eyes showed a trace of sadness as he said those words.

"I will find you again, I know it." he said before closing his eyes.

The next time he opened them, he was back at the white space that was his consciousness. In front of him was the same young boy as before, staring straight at him with a smile on his face.

Zhao Long's eyes grew cold as he stared at the young 'boy' before him. It had been a long time since he had seen this boy, perhaps almost too long, as he mercilessly grabbed at the boy's throat.

"Wu Yagui" he said while strangling him.

"Looks like you finally remember me." he replied, smiling.

Despite being strangled, Wu Yagui was unfaced as he received Zhao Long's mercilessness. On the contrary, his face was showing excitement.

"I'm going to kill you."

"No you won't.… did you forget our deal?"

Zhao Long frowned upon hearing his words. His hand loosened until he finally let go of Wu Yagui's neck. When he found his neck was freed, the corners of his mouth curved upwards.

"Brother, you should really thank me! I made you remember who you were! Were it not for my awfully realistic illusion, you would have remained retarded just like before! Heck, if I didn't make an appearance you would have remained clueless!" he said proudly.

"You want me to thank you? Hell no. We both know that your hex could have killed me had I not remembered. That illusion of yours was trying to suck my vitality." Zhao Long said grimly.

"But it worked didn't it? I tried the normal approach, but you were being such a bitch that I just had to use my most surefire method!" he complained.

Hearing his complaints, Zhao Long couldn't help but sigh. He had regained the memories of his past life. Originally, he was never supposed to forget them, but somehow he had. This had been puzzling him since he 'awoke'.

"Why did I forget in the first place?" he asked perplexed.

"Beats me! I could only find you because of your smell. When I realised it was you, all I could do was enter your dantian. It was only when you touched the staff that you freed me."

"So that was Yulin's ring. But then, how did you even end up in this realm?" Zhao Long asked, a puzzled expression in his face.

When Wu Yagui heard this, he immediately grew enraged.

"It's all that vixen's fault! The moment Miss Yulin died, I was freed. Since I had regained my freedom, I decided to go everywhere I wanted. For a couple hundred years I was truly free, I had some beautiful encounters and did everything I wanted with all the beauties I wanted! But that bitch! That stupid hexing witch realised what I was and trapped me! She lied to me and made me become her stupid slave!" when he mentioned this, Wu Yagui's eyes seemed terrifying.

"And she brought you here?"

"Yes! I became a guardian for her stupid motherf*cking cave! The worst part is she died soon after! And I just became trapped in that stupid cave for 5 thousand years! The fucking bitch!"

Having heard Wu Yagui's life story, Zhao Long simply rolled his eyes at him.

Wu Yagui was a part of the demon race, and the king of hell. He had previously served Yulin in a contract they both made. It was unfortunate that he had tremendously bad luck. To end up serving someone else shortly after being freed was a calamity for Wu Yagui. Zhao Long had known him through Yulin, who was the most powerful magician he knew, so it surprised Zhao Long that someone else would be able to subdue Wu Yagui.

"So what do you want from me?" his eyes narrowed.

"Brother! Get me a physical body and I will help you find Yulin." he said, smiling.

Zhao Long's eyes widened.

"You know where she is?" he asked incredulously.

"Of course! She had a connection with me you know? I can feel her soul!." Wu Yagui said casually.

When Zhao Long heard his words, his eyes flashed momentaneously, but his expression remained calm.

"I take it you want to make a deal with me then?" he asked coldly.

"Now, now, I just want to be freed and have my body back! As long as you do that I'll help you out!" he said seriously.

Seeing his seriousness, Zhao Long could only agree to his demands.

"Alright, I will get you what you want but when that happens you must help me find Yulin." Zhao Long said as he extended his arm towards Wu Yagui.

"Deal!" Wu Yagui replied with a smile on his face as he reached for Zhao Long's arm.

"Alright. It's a deal!" replied Zhao Long as he shook hands with Wu Yagui.

Once they had shaken hands and the deal was made, Wu Yagui secretly sighed in relief and hurriedly said, "Now that that's done, then hurry and get me my body!" he said impatiently as he shooed Zhao Long away. The latter just nodded and closed his eyes. Once he opened them again, he was back in his room and the staff was back in his lap. The only thing different was that the green fire had completely disappeared.