Wild Cat, I Wanna Be Your...

Wild Cat, I Wanna Be Your...


Around half kilometers in the south from the Connect-yard River. There is a natural canal that leads to an uninhabited hillside, where an unknown big black rock is embedded in the side hill. Local residents call it Black Rock Hill.

Don't ask why there is no one cultivating this land or no one making research about this unknown black rock. It is just, no one dares to do it again. At most, they would make an offering under the black rock every harvest season come in the past. Now they would send their offering twice each year, before the rainy season and summer.

Approximately a millennium ago, there is a moon-sized meteor passing through Blue Terra's galaxy line. It was near to crash toward this planet and make a calamity for the living thing inside. Fortunately, this moon-sized meteor mysteriously exploded on the way so Blue Terra was saved at that time.

But, it was not without consequence. The radiation caused by its explosion actually makes quite a disaster on Blue Terra. That year could be said the change of world map as big flood, landslide, even tsunami come one after another.

Shrimp City could be called the port city now, also not without damage in the past. After a disaster was over in this City, local residents who hide from the flood behind the hills discover this strange black rock.

The thought of people from thousand years ago was quite backward. So, when they survived from disaster and discovered something mysterious on the hills they evacuate in. The first thing they would do... Of course, take it to the village and make it a sacred place to be worshiped.

Only, they couldn't take it no matter how much they want it. Each time they try to dig it out, there would be strange occurrences like thunder sound in broad daylight or feeling hot like burned in a fire when it's night. Sometimes one of the villagers would fall in sick for a few days and recovered after they stopped trying to dig the black rock.

After a strange occurrence happened a few times, they naturally stopped all their plans and change to giving an offering each time there is a disaster like famine or flood.

Over ten years ago, a group of researchers comes to this place and dug a piece of black rock. What they found is the only unimportant data and fearful consequence.

They found the structure of mysterious black rock almost the same with a few gemstones in the market but more solid than average. As for the consequence, all the members of the team fell into an endless nightmare for years that nearly make them crazy.

As there is not much value in research again, it was not much of benefit to sacrifice dozens of researchers for having a few kilograms of gemstone that just a bit more solid than an average one.

Below mysterious black rock, there is an altar for the offering. But nothing to be seen over it as today is already in the middle of summer. Even though these weeks happen to be bad weather, but that is nearly all caused by Wild Cat and Old Man.

Today was the end of July and the weather is a bit hotter than yesterday. So basically, it was not a time for offering.

This altar was built up ten years ago to cover the crack or hole caused by their ancestors and researcher at that time. Only no one would think that this hole would be used by that tiger-like cat as the door to enter their cats' den in another space inside.

In cats' den is like an open living space around one hundred-kilometer square and a few hundreds of meters high ceiling with minimum light from the star-like gem. A few hundred organized cats living there.

As from when they start living here, then most of them start after an event ten years ago.


In the Black Rock hall.

"Mnyaa!" [Gather up!]

Shout tiger-like cat toward troops of cats.

"Nya nyau nnya nyaa!" [Our reserved foods are running low!]

Hearing that, nearly all cats shout in panic. Some of them even begin to blame the Hunting Platoon, despite having thirty numbers within three squads they still couldn't catch enough food.

But, Hunting Platoon also didn't keep their mouth, they began to blame the leader of the Intelligent Platoon. He has the same number under him but couldn't gather information for good hunting spots beside the boat market.

The Platoon Leader is sneering at each other. While the last and the bigger platoon was still and silent. As Platoon Leader's prestige and power are only second under the tiger-like cat, he leads Battle Platoon where the member is never making sound without his permission. As for the last platoon that didn't even present in Black Rock hall, the Research Platoon was still in their rooms doing another thing.

However loud their argument, the tiger-like cat still looking at them unemotionally. As no one try to relent their own member, one after another began to take a battle stance and groaned with threatening looks.

When the situation is a bit out of control, Blackie the leader of Battle Platoon howling at them. Then at once over sixty cats bend over intimidated.



At this time, beside altar black rock.

Wild Cat looking at half meters square crack in the black rock with shocking looks. This is simply a miracle. He saw at least fifteen cats who already opened their wisdom and one of them, the tiger-like cats already near in evolved to Monster Beast. If calculating its cultivation base; two of them at least could fight against Master Level, one nearly breakthrough to Grandmaster Level and the tiger-like cat is nearly breakthrough to the Initial Level of Qi Refining Stage.

If converted to his cultivation stage, it was around Lv. 5 to Lv. 6 of Refining Body Stage. His cultivation was a bit different from the cultivation system in this world. Old Man once notifies him about the cultivation stage in this world and said that his cultivation base was a bit different from the normal cultivation of this world. Even for him as Immortal, he only knew a bit about his cultivation system.

Wild Cat remembers that his cultivation begins with Refining Body Stage that would be rather slow in the beginning and stronger in the later stage. Like now, he was already Lv. 4 Refining Body Stage but could at most comparable to Grandmaster Level even using all his bodily strength.

He never thought a random cat would have cultivation higher than him. If one on one, he might have some hope with his cheat-like system in his mind. But... he needs to meet with the other thirteen Master Level and one Peak Master Level before facing their boss the Peak Grandmaster Level. Isn't it just a suicide mission to face them head-on?

So he began to look for an idea before ending up asking for advice from [My Lady Queen] in his Mind World. She only gave him a few sentences before keeping herself busy with arranging vegetation in Nine Revolution Island. These days besides commenting on Wild Cat, she always busying herself with the main island arrangement.

She said. [Just come inside! If they didn't acknowledge your presence, then tell them that you could help them. Afterward, challenge that Tiger-like cat in a duel and beat him!]

After hearing her advice, Wild Cat is a bit confused.

Why would they hear his word, not to mention trust his word? Besides why the leader, a Tiger-like cat, would accept his challenge for a duel? And how could I beat him while having at least a level disparity?

In the end, he still chooses to believe her.

Wild Cat release his [Great Transformation Art], turned into a little white cat, and infiltrate to black rock space.


Inside Black Rock space.

The situation in Black Rock hall is still in tension.

A big build brown cat shout at Blackie. [Don't think just because you are a bit stronger than me, you could intimidate me! I still have much power to take you down, you know!]

He was the leader of the Hunting Platoon who leads his two of his squads to hunt bigger prey behind the hills but got chased by three hounds and end up fleeing without result. While a squad led by a Tiger-like cat was able to catch a few pouches of dried fish that could fill their mouth for two days.

There is a rule that said residents of Black Rock space aren't allowed to directly harm others, especially human beings. This rule was established since the opening of Black Rock space by Earth Spirit, the owner of Black Rock.

The consequences of breaking this rule are too severe for them. That is stripping all of the wisdom and being expelled from Black Rock space.

It is not like they didn't allow to fight back when someone trying to harm them or so long the others were someone with cultivation like them and having malice intention, it could be exempted.

Then seeing Brownie didn't step back after he warns him, his eyes change with battle intent. As the tiger-like cat thinks its subordinate was a bit out of control, it decides to stop them himself.

However, before he has time to act, white shadow stops them with its aura pressure brought from his inherited Immortality trait.

All cats in the Black Rock space saw the majestic looks of the white cat that just come in. Its fur looks softer than silk, its ears more beautiful than any other cats they meet. Moreover, its eyes that filled with immeasurable deep wisdom were able to submit them in fear, adoration, and reverence.

His aura was filled with the prestige of Immortal, making them not have means besides bow down to this pressure. He was someone they longed for a long time already. Someone who would lead them to a great future and the destiny of their race.

The Immortal Cat!

Tiger-like cat couldn't contain its excitement again and saying something it shouldn't do.

[I... I wanna be your....]