Wild Cat, Just Continue With Your Business and Don't Look at ME

Wild Cat, Just Continue With Your Business and Don't Look at ME


"Sir. They haven't finished arguing with each other. Also, what they arguing basically about who would take care of our business. They want to take us into their custody..."


"Hehe... You also thought so, little tigress."


"No problem. There are around five Grandmaster-level. Additionally, there is one who is near the Supreme-level like you. Well, his condition is a bit different than yours. Normally, he should be able to raise his strength to the Supreme level but for some reason, his inner strength stuck at that level."

In his mind, a little fairy creature complained.

[You just repeat Mine words. Couldn't you be more innovative...]

Ah, haha... He could only helplessly laugh in an awkward manner.


While they having a discussion inside Old Sol's Small House.

In the outside house.

The three bosses district still pointing their weapons while having an argument. It is been already forever, they doing it.

In normal times they would smile at each other. At other times they would just compromise when the other party entered their territory. But, for today's matter, they seem to have no tolerance to others' presence.

Boss Andre who had been looking for a way to alleviate his condition taking this matter more seriously than the matter about Order Cultist's invasive action.

Well, he seems to see hope when eating that miraculous snack. His body condition that had been periodically worsening seemingly had been alleviated a bit.

He made a fast calculation, if he could take this snack daily for three months, his body should be recovered from the burden of his past injury. Although it wouldn't make the burned lifespan return or rejuvenated, at least, his practice in [Afterlife Swordsman's Sword] wouldn't be halt like before.

He who saw the hope to reach that legendary Supreme level knows the importance of the so-called Crispy Saltfish. How could he let it slip away from his hands?

Madam Sari was someone with a strong sense of territorial right. Although this area entered the green area of free trade, it is still within her territory range. She would never let fat water to went other families.

As for Boss Untung, he couldn't let two districts be the only ones who get stronger and developed while leaving behind his district like a deserted place. So he comes with even two Elder from his family.

"Oh ho ho. How come two gentlemen have so much time to visit 'my territory' from dozen kilometers away here...?"

She asked questions filled with sarcasm while emphasizing the ownership over the place directly.

"No, no... You are wrong here. This place is a special green area for trade. After all, this area was the vital place of most sea products being produced and sold. No one really has the right over the area within the range of one kilometer along this Connecting-Yard River." Untung directly shrugs off her statement.

"Ohoho~" she only laughs at his rhetoric with slitted eyes.

Boss Untung could feel chills run through his back.

"This place is one of city well-known source of sea product. And activity around this area was financially supported by Government. Even, I couldn't directly put my hands at it. That is why this area become a green area for trade."

"Brother Andre always so stiff. This matter and that matter have a different purpose. Also, the one who protects this area is still my honorable family member. So, we had the most right in this area..." said her in like a coquettish little girl.

Boss Andre ignored her temptation but by the side, Boss Untung already had a cold sweat.

This woman, she was known as a black widow within underground circles. Her history becomes spicy gossip around the circle. Her first fiance die on accident, then her husband who just wedded her die from his sickness. There are also a few cases where the man she had a relationship with encountered a fatal accident. Since then, she was called a black widow.

The problem is her hand in marriage is still on-demand to the date. Even the trouble comes from their rivalry over her favor already causing much mess around the circles.

'Did Andre have such strong self-control?' thought Untung.


"No need." He waved his hands, "Madam Sari, I bet your charm could affect a whole city. But, you would only attract more trouble if you always use it to take advantage of others. Also, how long do you want us to stand here for?"

Then he turned toward Boss Untung. "How about you?"

Still affected by her charm, he stuttered, "I, I think we could invite the owner of the house to accommodate our discussion..."

"Okay, okay," she shrugs relaxed her shoulder. But instead of lowering her coquettish act, it looks more charming for them.


She really like playing with fire.

"Someone, call the house owner. Just say, we would like to discuss something with him."

"Yes, Ma'am."


Knock! Knock! Knock!


"Hey, hey... Look they suddenly come to understanding and temporarily compromise each other. They even send someone to call you..."

Wild Cat whispered in low voice.

"Sir, how should we deal with him?"

"No, no... Why did you ask my opinion? This is your house and the one they are looking for was you the owner of the house. Just let them continue with their business and don't look at ME."


For some unknown reason, he felt his Master's response was a bit unreliable.


Knock! Knock! Knock!

A man with a butler suit shouted politely, "Excuse me, Mister Sol. Our Master needs to have some discussion with you in your house. Could you please give us a bit of your time?"

"Mister Sol..." the butler man was ready to shout louder but an answer came from inside the house.

"Stop, stop! I could hear you. It is already near curfew, why did someone come to knock on my house?"

The answer sounds a bit impatient.

"Mister Sol, we knew our uninvited arrival a bit bothering you. But, we really need you within our discussion. Else, our Master would start another quarrel before your house..."

He also adds the last sentence in low voice, there is a hint of helplessness.


Old Sol unlocked the door and peeked at the butler man from the opened gap.

"What's problem had it to do with me? Even if they wanted to 'sparkling' on the main road, it was their own problem and freedom. Please, don't include me within their 'quarrel'. You guys could continue with your business and don't look for me." He only gives him a cold answer like someone without much thought.


'This, this is not how a normal person would answer when our Master gives them an 'invitation'. How should I deal with it as a professional butler?'

"Mister Sol... Can you, can you give me an opportunity to complete the task they order me? Else, I-I wouldn't be able to maintain my job as butler anymore..." plead the butler man.

"Then don't make anymore ruckus within this area. This plethora of noise is unneeded for meeting with me. Tell them directly, I say that. If they didn't do it, never invite me again."

There is an aura of oppression that is directed to outside from his body.

It wasn't some withered Martial Artist or Pendekar could show.

Even Boss Andre feels some apprehensive from this aura of oppression. If not for this aura doesn't have any malicious intent, his body would react directly. Jawara behind Madam Sari and Boss Untung would take an action too, they are more experienced than them.

The Butler of Mangkubhumis comes back with a piece of news.

Boss Untung felt like his three views were being ravaged. To think even in this day, there is someone who still dares to say something like this toward them. For a moment, he thought it was Madam Sari's hidden scheme to make a conflict between him and that Thief Sol.

After all, this message is a bit too unbelievable. But, coupling it with that gleam of aura of oppression from before. This might be the case.

Honestly, if not for that aura, not only him even Andre would already storm ahead toward the house just a few tens meters before them.

On the day you become Boss of underground force, your day would be finished when there is a time that your prestige is being questioned.

Like today's matter.

Only, the aura from before already stopped their madness from exploding. Three of them thought, when we could reason with someone who had this kind of oppressive aura, then it would be better to do so than throw ourselves into the pit.

Sighs! In this negotiation, their side already fell into a disadvantage. Three bosses looked at each other.

They laugh in self-mocking.

This would be a meeting with someone at the same level rather than meeting with the retired old thief like what they planned before.

"Uhm... Let's do as he asks. Also, let the other Jawara go back for a few hundred meters. How do you think about it?"