Can We Have The Blood Inspection Again?

As the two soul strands were facing the life & death crisis their true self, the presence inside the blood cocoon has no idea about their doom.

Inside the mystique room which looked like a scene from outer space, the presence inside the blood cocoon was undergoing its recovery process.

If a World King realm powerhouse was there they would be able to notice a body made of nothing but flesh and blood inside the blood cocoon.

The body was only flesh and blood with the organs fully visible due to lack of skin. It was the birth of a new body.

If a World King realm powerhouse looked more carefully they could see the body inside the blood cocoon was a female judging from the two peaks on the body's chest.

"Ah!" The female inside the blood cocoon gave a loud shout due to a sudden shock but her voice sounded pleased. A smile was visible on her face if one can call it a face gave it was nothing but flesh and blood.

"Haha. My connection with the two soul strands is severed. Seems like they have planted themselves as the" seeds" inside that young sapling. Less than a century and the sapling would be ready," the female said. Her voice sounded hoarse probably due to incomplete formation of her body.

The female inside the blood cocoon was more than pleased. She has recovered more than 70% and within a few more centuries, she would be able to revive herself completely. The new young sapling would further reduce the time and efforts required.

A million years ago she was the strongest cultivator in the Endless Continent. She was at the strongest cultivation realm known to the Continent...the Dao Ancestor realm!

For eons, Dao Ancestor is thought as the last realm in the cultivation. In the current era of Endless Continent, there was no Dao Ancestor realm cultivator. Or at least the general public lacked the knowledge about such a powerful cultivator.

"How stupid I was in my younger days. After reaching Dao Ancestor I lost my cautious attitude thinking I was at the peak of cultivation. Only after my defeat did I understand that the path of cultivation has no peak or end. If one finds the so-called peak or end it only means one has met an obstacle and has reached the limit of their potential," the female said with a hint of melancholy.

"I wonder if any of my apprentice-brother survived at the hands of Demon Extermination." She has wondered about her companions multiple times in the past when she got time to think about past.

She didn't like thinking about her defeat as it reminds her of "Demon Extermination". He was her nightmare.

"Just who is Demon Extermination? I have to discard my body and destroy a part of my soul after I got contaminated with the grey matter."

Her worst fear was not Demon Extermination but the grey matter he brought from his home dimension. The grey matter is the most sinister existence she has ever seen or known.

She could remember the scenes of the horror the grey matter created. Whenever a cultivator touched the grey matter then his/her body would get corroded by it. The death would be horrifying with the body decomposing at a rate visible to the mortal eye. It was a painful and slow death.

The worst part is that even the soul, which is an immortal aspect of the living being, would corrode and die.

"I only survived due to sheer luck. Demon Extermination launched only a few particles of grey matter on me," the female said with a hint of sorrow and anger. She felt ashamed for the Demon Extermination didn't even take her seriously during the war.

"I guess that's what the people at bottom of food chain feels. This Skyrise Emperor and his wife are ashamed and angry at the treatment I give them. What goes around comes around..."

The strong prey on the weak but someday even the strong finds itself becoming food for a more stronger being. This was an eternal cycle...


Inside the Blood Inspection Hall, Wang Xixi was calmly watching Zhang Hao who was in a stupor.

"Strange. He is showing no sign of pain," Wang Xixi noted said with a frown. Usually, she would only plant one strand of the soul in the selected young sapling. Out of a million people hardly there would be one or two qualified to be a young sapling meeting the required criteria for even one strand of the soul.

The soul strand of the female inside blood cocoon was not something anyone can bear. It was a risky process. There have been cases where the geniuses died within a few years. So the requirements for becoming a young sapling are high. Someone who can qualify for two strands of the soul has even more harsh criteria.

Wang Xixi has scanned Zhen Han's body through her divine perception and has felt his latent talent nothing less than heaven-defying. She expected him to cry in pain or at the very least show sign of fear even if he was unconscious.

When she inspected the genealogy of ordinary people she would make them suffer the same pain as those who undergo the "special treatment" so that there would be no suspicion. Of course, she would implant the pain through her psychic powers just before the person awakens from the stupor.

This was for ordinary people who weren't qualified for the special treatment of blood cocoon. Those who get special treatment doesn't need any artificial pain. The very pain of soul invasion is unbearable.

How can the pain of invasion of the soul be bearable? The soul is the very Will of the living being so any harm to it created a pain far beyond imaginations. Physical pain looked nothing in comparison.

"Perhaps the two soul strands haven't implanted themselves yet?" That was the only possible guess she could think of. Even though she has divine perception but she couldn't scan the soul of a person easily as that would be dangerous to the person in question. The soul is the immortal aspect of a living being but also the most feeble aspect.


In the inner world of Zhen Han's soul, the two foreign soul strands were giving cries of despair.

They were a part of an existence who has once achieved Dao Ancestor realm, and yet now they are played by a young brat.

The brat is wet behind the ears so how did he play the entire Endless Continent?

The female inside the blood cocoon has thought of the possibility that violet radiance might be a scheme by some alien races or some supreme cultivator hiding in the Endless Continent. She indeed rejoiced when the violet radiance phenomenon helped her in the recovery process. Yet she couldn't let go of suspicion it might be a scheme by some someone.

But then from the mouth of Skyrise Emperor, she has learned about the phenomenon of violet radiance throughout the world. Then she thought it was impossible for a living being to create such a phenomenon on a global scale. Or at the very least an existence who can create such a phenomenon was far beyond her scope of understanding. Even the Demon Extermination she fears shouldn't have such a power from what she understood.

This made her think that perhaps her fear was groundless.

In the present, the two soul strands of the female cursing themselves for not being cautious enough. One can never be cautious enough. The female has learned it a million years in the war between Demon Extermination and yet now...

Alas, their cursing was useless. The two soul strands were soon absorbed by the cracks inside the violet beads. The 'Will' inside the soul strands found themselves under a wiping force. Soon the soul strands were nothing more than the pure form of red energy with a tinge of violet in them.

A part of the energy from the two soul strands was then refined and used to mend the cracks. The cracks showed no hint of recovery even after absorbing the energy which was more powerful than a Divine King.

Perhaps for the bead, the two soul strands were not even a drop of water when it actually required an ocean full of water. Maybe even the true self of the soul strands would be only qualified for "a drop".

Not all the energy of the soul strands was used for mending the cracks. In fact, only 1% of the energy was used for mending the crack!

There was a slight part of the energy which didn't share the same origin as the bead so it was not used. The heaven-defying phenomenon from three years made a foundation for everyone who benefitted from it to have their source become like the bead. More or less the bead used a method similar to the female inside the blood cocoon.

The female inside the blood cocoon is able to absorb an entire "young sapling" due to them sharing the same source after the germination. The energy she would waste would be less than 10%. Sadly the same can't be said of the bead. The bead at the most would be able to convert 1% of the total source and absorb it. 99% of the energy it absorbs would need to be discarded due to it not having the same source.

If the two soul strands came to know that the entire scheme was for only 1% of their energy then they would die out of shame! For 1% of energy, the bead would kill them?

How can the heavens be so ruthless and senseless! This would be their last thought if they were alive but now they were just a pure form of energy.

The pure energy was then absorbed by the fleshly body of Zhen Han. The energy automatically spread inside the flesh and blood where it became a nutrition for the cells.

It could be said the biggest winner of the incident is Zhen Han!


After some time Zhen Han waked up. He has a delightful expression on his face. He didn't know why but his body felt extremely comfortable.

He turned his face and saw Wang Xixi looking at him with her mouth agape.

"Great Grandma, why is your mouth open? My mother always tells me to not open my mouth for long otherwise some fly might enter..." Zhen Han has a serious expression on his face as he explained.

Wang Xixi couldn't believe the scene in front of her. How can the young brat have a cheerful expression? The experience of soul invasion should have given him a severe headache at the very least. He should be moaning in pain but now instead he is lecturing her! His expression didn't seem fake.

Could his latent potential be heaven-defying enough to ignore the pain of soul invasion? It should be impossible, right?

"Great Grandma, please open the screen. I want to meet mom!" Zhen Han loudly said.

"Ah yes," Wang Xixi tried to calm the dreadful waves inside her mind. She opened the barrier around the Blood Inspection Hall with a movement of her hand.

Zhen Han ran towards her mother. Lin Li was surprised to see her son in so high spirits. She has heard that after blood inspection people usually complain of mental fatigue but now her son...

"Mom, even though I was asleep during the blood inspection I think it was a lot of fun! I feel so refreshed," Zhen Han said as he climbed into her mother's arms.

Wang Xixi who was coming from the hall couldn't help but feel her mouth twitch. This was the first time someone actually enjoyed the procedure!

Perhaps he is a masochist?

"Great Grandma, can we have the blood inspection again?"

Wang Xixi : "............."