Aftermath (2)

Waiting outside the emergency room, Ririna couldn't help walking back and forth, her lips almost swollen from constant biting. She hopes that the doctors were able to flush out the drug from the children's body. When they arrived at the hospital, she quickly gave the sample to Ginny's assistant who was waiting for them at the hospital's entrance.

"Ririna. Can you please stop?" Eli said. He was leaning on the wall beside the waiting area, his arms crossed in his chest as he waited patiently for the doctors' analysis.

Ririna moved towards him and clutched his left arm before burying her face on it. Eli could sense her distress. He is also worried about Skyler and could understand why she isn't herself at the moment.

Eli pat her head and whispered words to her to calm her. They didn't have other choice but to wait. This is the first trial they received as a family, he should become her pillar of strength at this time. He must not let himself weaken by this event. Eli knew that danger couldn't be avoided forever.

Louie and Evan were also waiting for the report. Ginny has taken Aya somewhere to calm down. Aya was still emotional and sickly worried about Jiro.

It was after an hour when the doors of the emergency room were pushed open and a doctor in a white coat walked out with a nurse behind him.

"The children's heartbeat and pulse has been stabilized. It was a good thing that you were able to bring them here quickly. While the drug they used are safe for adults, prolonged exposure for children aren't advisable." The doctor explained. "They will need to stay for another 24 hours for observation. You can see the patients now."

"Thank you, doctor," Ririna bowed her head slightly before running towards the emergency room.

Eli gave his thanks to the doctor before following his wife to check on Skyler. He found her wiping the sweat from Skyler's face with a clean damp cloth. Skyler's color is starting to come back to normal. His breathing almost stable although he still has to use a face mask and oxygen to help him breath easily.

Jiro is in another bed beside Skyler's. He was also treated the same way as Skyler, although his small body seems weaker and his skin color is paler than usual. Aya came afterward, taking her son's hand while promising never to leave him again.

It was evening when Skyler opened his eyes, looking around him trying to figure out where he is. He felt something on his right and saw his mommy taking a nap while holding his tiny hand. Where is daddy? Where are they? He couldn't clearly remember what happened earlier.

"Mommy?" He called. His voice a bit sound hoarse and muffle by the face mask covering his mouth.

Ririna stirred on her seat before turning her head to her child. Seeing that her son finally woke up, she sat up straight and touched his locks gently. She was relieved to see that he is alright and recovering.

"Sky? Do you feel better now, baby?" she asked.

"My head hurts mommy," Skyler whispered.

"It's okay, baby. It will go away soon. Do you need something?"

"Where's daddy, mommy? Have you seen Jiro?" The little boy asked. His grey eyes started to fill with unshed tears. His young mind remembering someone pulled Jiro while they were playing and covered his mouth.

"Sky?" Eli's voice interrupted their conversation. On his hand, a bag of food for his wife and son. He passed the bag to Ririna and looked at Skyler's dextrose IV bag. Skyler needs to flush out the drugs and toxins in his body so he didn't need to stay longer for another day in the hospital.

"Daddy…"Skyler called his daddy. His little hand trying to reach him.

"The bad guys took Jiro, Daddy. Did you also save him?" His grey eyes a bit droopy from exhaustion. His parents couldn't believe that he is so selfless, he asked about his friend's condition.

"Jiro is okay now, Sky. He is sleeping in the other room. We took him from the bad guys."

Eli's arms slipped under Skyler's body gently moving his child into his embrace before ensuring that he hasn't pulled the IV drip connected to his son's hand. Skyler tried to wrap his little arms around his daddy, a smile forming on his lips as he thought that his daddy is his new idol and hero.

"Thank you, daddy." He whispered.