Rion and Sara (1)

Rion sat behind his desk with his hand propped up against his jaw as he watched Sara. She fumbled a little as she checked on her briefcase for the important paperwork he really needed for this day. Ririna couldn't attend the meeting with the organizers of the exhibit so she sent Sara along to accompany him for today.

Skyler still needs to recover from the attack the other day and Sara was pulled into work on her own day off for this meeting.

'What is this woman up to?' he thought.

"I trust that you have finished the file for our meeting today?" Rion asked Sara keeping his facial expression blank.

"Yes, Mr. Stahl. I have it finished. Just give me a moment… I'm sure I got it right here… somewhere." Sara replied as she continued to search for the missing document.

Sara shuffled through neatly stacked of papers inside her case before checking Ririna's desk but the file they needed couldn't be located anywhere. Her heart began to race in fear. She was so sure she had finished that file and took it back inside her case. Where could it possibly be?

'Oh no, I probably left it on the kitchen counter when I washed my coffee mug before leaving for work!' Stupid! Oh, Mr. Stahl will surely give that look like I am an idiot.'

"Mr. Stahl," Sara bit her lip and looked up to her other boss. Technically, she is Ririna and Rion's assistant, though Rion doesn't need much help so she assists Ririna most of the time.


"I… I seemed to have left the file at home," she confessed and braced herself for her boss reprimand.

"Hmm… we'll just have to go over then and get it before heading to the gallery," Rion replied as he glanced down at his watch before standing up and taking his briefcase with him. Sara sighed in relief. She didn't know why she is nervous when Rion is around. Since she was employed by her sister's friend, she was uncomfortable when he looks at her. Have they met before? She wondered.


"Yes, we. Unless you can make it on time which I doubt with your tardiness." Rion hissed.

These two never get along well with each other even if it's more than two weeks since she started working for Ririna. Sara is oblivious to the fact that she has met Rion during her flight back home and his awareness to her obsession for BL romance.

Sara groaned. How could she explained to him that she is currently living with her longtime boyfriend. They recently moved in together after some heated argument about her always being away and not having enough time with him.


Rion parked his car on the available parking slot provided at her apartment building.

"You can wait here, Mr. Stahl. I promise I will be quick." Sara said as she unbuckled her seatbelt and hurriedly opened the passenger door.

"No. I'm coming with you to make sure you wouldn't dare to forget what we need," Rion scoffed before following her outside.

"I won't!"

"Why are you insisting to come alone?"

"Because I live with my boyfriend. He might get other ideas if he sees you with me."

Rion scoffed.

"Well, dummy. You can just tell him the truth and say I am your boss."

They walked side by side together towards the elevator. When she accidentally brushed against him, he paid no attention to her. Sara turned her attention away from the domineering man. He is such a cold bastard. Whatever did she do to have him treat her like this?

Sara admitted to herself that Rion is very handsome. She hasn't met anyone as handsome as him and for some reason whenever she assists him, she found many women ogling at her boss like he is some kind of delectable meal.

Rion is a very serious man and took everything very seriously. Sara barely even sees him smile, except when he was talking to Ririna and Skyler. At first, she thought they were together and had already given them a ship name "RiRion" and then she found out about Eli being Ririna's boyfriend so she abandoned her first ship and jump off to EliRina ship that is already sailing smoothly.

Looking at the man beside her now, she wondered if this man has a soft spot aside from Skyler. He never showed any emotion to anyone even if they were in the meeting or in discussion with business partners. But hey at least she was able to tell his mood by just reading through his eyes.

She knows when he's annoyed or mocking someone mentally. It is weird that even if they haven't known each other for a long time she could predict his mood swings.

They both walked fast into the elevator and as soon as they slipped on it, Sara quietly pushed the button for the fifth floor and moved on the corner away from Rion. She couldn't stand closer to this infuriating man.

Rion watched her discreetly from the corner of his eyes. He could see that she is still uncomfortable being around him. This is the first time they were left together. He wondered why this woman couldn't recognize him. Is this woman dumb or what? This is the first time someone blatantly forgot who he is.

When the elevator stopped on her floor, Sara quickly exited and walked swiftly to her apartment with Rion walking silently behind her. Sara took her keys from her bag and fumbled with the lock. She proceeds to open the door and let him inside.

Sara hurriedly went to the kitchen to take the missing file and went back to him. They were about to leave her apartment when she heard something from her bedroom. It was like someone is moaning. Her eyebrows furrowed, is her boyfriend watching a porn at this hour? Isn't he suppose to be at his work at this time?

She turned around and walked towards her bedroom. Sara planned to scold her boyfriend for being lazy. They have been fighting for the past few days and she is starting to get tired of it. Slowly she opened the door silently. To her shock, her eyes landed on her boyfriend busy in the middle of a heavy sex session with another woman in her own bed.