The Other Side of Love (1)

Ririna stood in the kitchen preparing breakfast for Eli and Sky. Eli was out for his early morning exercise routine and would be back anytime soon. She prepared his coffee and Skyler's milk and turned off the stove where she was cooking the bacon, sausages, and eggs that Sky requested earlier.

She plated up the eggs and the toast and set the food on the dining table. Ririna turned her head to see Sky still in his pajamas wiping away the sleepiness in his eyes. He yawned and stretches his arms in the air. Ririna couldn't help but giggle at his cuteness.

"Morning, baby," She greeted the young boy.

"Good morning, mommy," Skyler replied.

Skyler has already started eating his meal when Eli arrived clad in only his sweatpants and rubber shoes. His bare chest covered with a film of sweat which highlighted his torso in front of Ririna. He took a bottle of water from the fridge and took a sip from it. Ririna quickly averted her eyes to the food in front of her.

If she was a lesser type of woman, she would have drooled in his presence. No wonder women throw themselves on his feet, her man is so handsome and possess undeniable manliness in his posture. She wondered how was she able to get the attention of this man.

Eli is older than her by over a decade. Their age difference sometimes adds an issue to their decisions. Ririna practically grew up under his care, though it was really Jonathan who was with her most of the time. Her childhood and teenage memories were filled with him.

He is her first crush and first love. Almost all in everything, he was her world when she was younger, now he's her partner to make their world better.

Ririna wondered how would she feel if Eli didn't fall in love with her. Would she able to take it? She was so into her thoughts, she did not notice Eli stand beside her.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Ririna shook her head.

"Nothing. Are you sure you can look after Sky today?"

"Father wants to see him and meet him. We can't keep Sky away from them. Don't worry he will be fine. But if you want me to accompany you…"

"No need. I can visit Angela with Erica and Sara. I'm pretty sure Erica misses her."

"Alright. Call me if something happens. Angela and her new junior will see you at S&S. Give me a moment. I'll just take a quick shower and get dressed." Eli said before leaving the room.

Eli's men were able to retrieve some flash drives from Jiro's kidnappers and sent them to head office of the research team of S&S Enterprise for further investigation.


The three of them walked towards the reception hall of the S&S Enterprise. Erica was busy checking her phone while Sara was busy looking around the place while tailing her boss. Her feet ached from the yesterday's activities she and Rion participated in during the BL convention. She just hoped that Rion forgave him this time.

"Hey, Ririna! Come with me."

A small woman wearing a pair of round eyeglasses welcomed them and let them inside the head research department's office. The woman let them sit on a couch nearby before approaching a rather young man in his early twenties.

"Jeff, they're here." Angela's smooth voice echoed within the room. The man that she just called Jeff only grunted in reply and continued typing on his keyboard as more numbers appeared on his screen.

The man has a messy black hair, a pair of slim eyeglasses and quite a lean body. His fingers flew on the keyboard so fast that Erica and Sara couldn't keep up with him.

"Jeff…" Angela called him again. Her eyes soften as she looked at him. Ririna observed her senior. Angela was the one who taught her how to operate and hack simple computers and systems.

Ririna saw her as an independent woman who never takes shit from other people. She was like a wolf that is ready to attack if needed. Angela is five years older than her which makes her twenty-eight to this day. But what Ririna saw today was the opposite of what she knew about her friend.

Angela isn't one for greetings and friendliness. She was always straight to the point that most of her colleagues thought she is arrogant. What Ririna is seeing today is another kind of woman she never saw before. A woman who is in love with her junior.

Ririna glanced at the guy sitting behind the desk. This must be the hacker that Eli recruited recently. Based on what she had heard, this man who was only twenty-two at the moment was able to beat most of the hackers within the S&S Enterprise. He was also able to protect their system from other enemies.

She couldn't help but notice something between Angela and Jeff. Ririna then suspected that it was possible. The way Angela looks at Jeff reminds her of her love for Eli when she was younger.

Jeff stood up from his seat and strode toward the glass door attached next to the office. As soon as he was out of sight, Ririna pulled Angela's arm to make her seat beside her.

"You love him don't you?" Ririna asked.

Angela blinked at her before realizing what she had meant. Her cheeks started to burn with embarrassment and her eyes refused to meet Ririna's.

"How do you know?" Angela gaped in surprise. She never thought someone would notice. Was she really a predictable person?

"Of course, we know," Erica interjected, her hand buried in her side pockets. "It is the same eyes Ririna had when she was insanely in love with the devil."