Wake Up, Mommy (2)

Skyler held his mommy's hand. It is still soft but isn't as warm as he could remember. His Uncle Evan told him that mommy got into an accident but he overheard his uncle and his grandpa that some bad guys had attacked him mommy. Was it because he found his daddy? Was this what his mommy meant when she said bad guys will come after them?

His small body curled beside Ririna as he cried for her, whispering words to her to wake up. If he had known this would happen to his mommy, he would have listened and wouldn't find his daddy. Why would the bad guys want to hurt his mommy anyway?

"Wake up, Mommy. Please?" Skyler murmured with his reddened eyes and tear stained face. After a long while, the little boy fell asleep beside his mother, still sobbing every now and then.