Mika Is in Trouble

When Mika ran away from Skyler, she didn't have any idea where she was going. She just wanted to get away from the mean kid who hurt her feelings. She didn't have cooties! She's healthy and didn't have germs to pass onto him. Skyler was such a meanie!

Mika hid behind the tall bushes on the other side of the playground and cried silently. She didn't want anyone to see her crying, or else they would make fun of her just like Skyler did earlier. She really thought he was her friend.

A tap on her shoulder made her squeal, and she jumped up from where she was hiding. A boy, who was also her classmate, was standing and smiling creepily at her.

"Would you like to play with me?" the boy asked.

"Yes!" Mika replied and clapped her hands excitedly.

Her tears were forgotten as she stood up. Finally, someone who wanted to play with her. Forget about that mean Skyler.

The little boy brought her to the jungle gym and suddenly her smile disappeared once again. Mika was afraid of heights!