Monday Blues

There was a knock on his office door as Lawrence was on the phone talking with one of his clients from the New Global City. He will also have to give a call to his sister Ginny to confirm his meeting with their sister Sara and her new beau Rion Stahl. They were supposed to meet this coming Friday.

"Ready to leave when you are, Sir." One of his receptionist said through the door.

He ignored her and continued talking for several more minutes. His new assistant still hasn't arrived yet. He should've left ten minutes earlier and yet here he was still waiting for her and wasting another valuable time. Maybe he shouldn't allow his sisters to decide and hire employees for their company.

'Where the hell is that woman?' he thought.


Aya cursed herself for being clumsy. She was already late on her first day in her new job! What's more was she was dreaded that Lawrence Yun will fire her without giving her a chance to explain.