The Witch Has Fallen

The footsteps faded, but Ririna and Aoi refused to move from their position. They waited a few more minutes to make sure that those people left the cabin. She took her flashlight from her coat and turned it on to lighten up their way below the basement.

"Take the lead," Aoi told her. He would keep an eye behind them to make sure no one noticed that they used a trapdoor to escape.

"My car is parked near the front door. Will you be able to fight with your condition?" Ririna asked. They would have to leave this place as soon as possible. They could only try to come back to the main house to see if they could slip away from those idiots. If Aoi wasn't injured, there's a good chance that they could escape unscathed from those men. She wondered who'd sent them to kill her.

"I'm not invalid, Ririna. This wound is very superficial," Aoi replied with irritation.