I’m Your Only Baby

Hearing the word pregnant from his wife's lips, Eli was frozen and in shock. He tried to find the right words but failed. He was rendered speechless with the unexpected news. He tried to remain calm, but Ririna could see the complex emotion that reflected on his eyes. Without a warning, he fell on his knees, surprising Ririna.


She saw him in a daze and lifted his hand to touch her slim stomach. The baby was still small. He would have to wait for a few more weeks to feel the baby inside her or months, only to find out if a little Ririna was waiting to see the world.


She was pregnant…

He didn't know what to do at that moment. Wasn't this what he wanted ever since they got married? To have a family with her? The feelings that overflowed within him were different from the first time he found out he fathered Skyler. The thought of the child growing within Ririna's body made him filled with pride and happiness.