You Were My World

"It's not like that, Ririna."

Ririna shook her head. She wasn't even aware that tears were already falling down her cheeks.

"You're just like dad. The two of you are worthless parents! You shouldn't have let me live if this is what you plan for me and for Jared," Ririna hissed. She would never understand why her mother left her.

When she was a child, Ririna got a lot of questions. There were a lot of whys and whats on her mind that she was trying to understand. Left alone in an orphanage where everyone bullied her because she couldn't speak, seeing children leaving with their new families…

Ririna knew she wasn't really an orphan. She got a father and a little brother. She also knew grandpa was still alive, but why did everyone leave her behind? Didn't they love her anymore? Was she really forgotten like other children told her before?