I’m Here to Collect What You Owe Me (1)

Ririna smirked, liking the way how the human-pig burned in rage. Had she known that it was so easy to piss this woman off, she would have played with her a long time ago. This woman was shamelessly using her father's fortune and influence to uplift Cindy's career in the entertainment industry. Too bad though that this time, Ririna had enough time to pull out the weeds to make way for Anikka Yi.

With Anikka Yi's unparalleled beauty and talent, it would be easy for her to make a comeback at this time. With her working hands-on as her manager, Ririna would make sure that Cindy would have no chance of destroying her future plans.

"You shameless woman! If it isn't for your father, I wouldn't have to treat you right! You're just a mere painter. What gives you the right to claim what isn't yours?!" Madam Long screamed at her.