Wedding Night

Sara was glad that she'd changed her wedding gown to a simple white dress with a sweetheart neckline. It made dancing and moving easier than with her previous dress that limited her movements.

She and Rion continued to dance while the other couples got out their way. She really liked these songs, and she couldn't help but sway to the beat of the music. Rion twirled her around before pulling her back into his embrace.

As she danced, her hair swung back, baring her delicate white neck to her husband. Rion couldn't keep his eyes off her as she continued to dance. She was absolutely alluring, he thought. How lucky he was that Sara had chosen him over her long line of suitors?

Sara moved with confidence, showing none of her usual awkwardness and clumsiness tonight. Even her siblings, Lawrence and Ginny, couldn't help but notice the genuine smile on her face.

"She's not a baby anymore," Ginny told her brother before sipping her drink from her glass.