Chapter 8

After eating their plain dinner, the villagers in Kappa village would sit and gather together near the fireplace while the children played a little before they went to sleep. This had been their daily routine for a couple of years. Currently, these children lived together in one of the elder's house, except for a few who were already big enough. During the days, the elders took care of the younger kids while the bigger kids were tasked to watch the sick adults.

"C'mon, it's time for you to sleep, Ditta." Mirra held the hand of the youngest kid there.

The older kids usually put the younger kids to sleep, and Ditta, the youngest one, was always so attached to Mirra.

Mirra led Ditta to her room.

"Hey, Mirra." Ditta said, pulling Mirra's hand.

"Blippe told me the big sister you brought today has purple eyes, is it true?"

"Yeah, she really has purple eyes, but that's just eye color, nothing special about it."

Mirra didn't understand the hype of having purple eyes, how could that make someone's special.

"But, but... Ditta wants to see it..." She looked at Mirra with her big innocent eyes.

"You can't. That big sister was guarded by those scary guys and just like my sister, Lord Senna is going to take her away."

"Uhh... Ditta doesn't like Lord Senna! He makes papa, mama, and everyone suffers!

He is a bad guy, like the Evil Lord who was defeated by the Amethyst Wizard! When will someone defeated him and save us, Mirra?"


Mirra couldn't answer the question that came from the four years old Ditta. She clenched her first, having a painful expression on her face. She knew she couldn't rely on a hope that someday a hero will save them. Mirra hugged Ditta's small body tightly.


"Let's go to bed, okay?" Mirra said, pulling her arms that wrapped Ditta's body.

"Un." The little girl nodded.

Ditta climbed to her bed, she looked so cute when her body snuggled under the blanket, trying to make herself comfortable.

"Mirra, can you tell me the story about the Amethyst Wizard again?"

"You really like that story, huh..."

Mirra rubbed Ditta's head.

"Alright then! Which part do you want to listen, Ditta?"

"Hmm..." She made a sound when trying to decide.

"Where he saved the land from the Evil Lord please!"

"Okay, okay. Now, how's the story start... Ah!" Mirra was recalling the story in her head.

"Ehm, ehm..." She cleared her throat before starting.

"It was the twelfth year of King Rowan from Alesia, one of the seven great kingdoms of men at that time, where darkness loomed over the land. The never-ending war between East and West brought maladies and famine in both continents. The land was painted in red and the water tasted like blood, the vultures rejoicing since dead bodies were mounting."

"There were two wizard apprentices named Alphard and Arrakis. Although Alphard came from the west and Arrakis came from the east, their bond was as tight as family. But one day, Alphard, long before he was known for his greatness, received the blessing from the moons. When he opened his eyes, its color had turned purple. People were afraid of him, calling him cursed. During those times, Arrakis always stayed with him."

She continued, "Soon, Alphard embarked on a journey together with Arrakis,

where he started purifying the land and the water, defeated a dragon, healing the sicks, and brought prosperity to many kings. However, this was where Alphard and Arrakis began to choose their separate paths. Shadow slowly crept into Arrakis' heart, and with the power of Forbidden Spell, Arrakis gained power so great. Unfortunately, he was consumed by that power and losing his human heart. That day, Alesia, one of the seven great kingdoms of men had gone forever from Terrasia."

"Losing his homeland, Alphard was saddened, but there wasn't a greater grieve than losing his best friend, Arrakis. Alphard swore to find Arrakis and defeated him. In the three years before they reunited again, with an army of monsters, Arrakis had conquered five of the great kingdoms of men, the great kingdom of dwarves, and the land of the beasts. Ardia, the last kingdom of mankind, was still new at that time. Alphard, with the help of The Wise King Isidor, gathered the brave souls across the land, The Mighty Dwarf Warrior Heindamm, The Valiant Spirit Lesath, and The Lightning Beast Empress Amazonia. Together, they marched through The Hell's Gate Dungeon where Arrakis resided..."

Mirra stopped reciting the story because Ditta had fallen asleep.

Mirra gently kissed Ditta's head, "Good Night, Ditta. Sleep well."

She fixed the blanket covering Ditta and quietly left the room.

In the silent of the night, the sound of carriage getting closer could be heard from afar. Its movement suddenly stopped, followed by a painful scream of a man. Mirra wasn't scared or surprised. She knew that was the sign that began a long night in Kappa Village, at least for her, she wouldn't be able to fall asleep. After thinking of what to do, she decided to sneak out. Because deep inside her heart, she had a guilty conscience for kidnapping that purple eyes girl. She wanted to know what had her action led to.

Hidden under the shadows, her small figure walked fast, this was also helped by her familiarity with her surroundings. Mirra went to the direction of that noise earlier. When she noticed the figures of people surrounding a carriage, she hid behind one of the nearby houses, it still gave her enough distance to see what's going on.

A beautiful blonde haired man was surrounded by those thugs. She thought it was weird that those thugs just standing there.

"Can I take your silence as a Yes?" Said the blonde haired man.

The thug boss didn't move for a while and then he nodded. And then, he escorted the blonde guy to the house that became his base.

"What's going on here?" Mirra was confused.


A while ago, Frei's carriage finally arrived at Kappa village. Right at the entrance of the village, it was stopped forcefully by a bunch of men who looked like ruffians. They were carrying swords in their hands, circling the carriage.

"Kill him." The thug leader commanded.

"No, no! Please spare me! I have a family..." The pale coachman begged for his life.

Those thugs didn't care and one of them stabbed their sword to that man.

"Aaaaaaaaah!" The coachman screamed, blood coming out from his stomach.

"Hey, you get out!" The thug leader shouted to the man inside the carriage. He ordered his henchmen to open the door.

When the door was opened...


The guy inside the carriage was sitting calmly as if nothing had happened.

"Good night, gentlemen. Thank you for the nice welcoming party." He said with an air of confidence surrounding him.

He walked out from the carriage calmly.

They were surprised, his reaction wasn't the one they expected. A second later, the leader thought this man was just bluffing.

"I'll be quick here. I come here to propose a deal, would you be interested to hear it?" He said to the thug leader.

"Heh, you are just bluffing! You must be afraid because tonight will be your end."

"Poppy Tears."


"W-what are you talking about?!" He denied, but his expression changed to nervous.

"I'm sure you know what I'm talking about."

"No, I don't know such a thing! You came here to chase your slave who ran away yesterday!"

"Ah, yes. Thanks to her, I can find this place. It was hard to track you guys because of a certain backer. He also put a magical barrier around this place so any uninvited guest can't come in, right?" He showed his smile to the thug leader.


(How did he know this much?)

"W-who are you?!" The thug leader shouted.

"I'm just a merchant from Ardia Kingdom who have interest in your business."

He raised both hands near his head, posing a surrender gesture. Then he slowly moved his hand, pulling something out from his pocket, it was a piece of parchment.

"You must know what is this, right?


That slip was a magical check. The piece of parchment wasn't any bigger than a normal banknote, a magic seal carved on that paper and Frei's handwriting. Since carrying gold coins were heavy and risky, this transaction method was developed by Merchant Guild and soon became popular for the riches.

"Interested in hearing me now?" The corner of his lip raised.

The thug leader gulped. The numbers on that check was not a laughing matter.

"Kill Lord Sennan and work for me. I'll give this to you if you agree, but if you killed me now, the contract will be canceled."

There was a pause, and then he added,

"If he died here as an accident nobody would know."

"H-how we could trust you?! You might be lying to us right now!"

"You don't. Whether I could be trusted or not is something you guys decide on your own. But money is different." Frei waved the slip.

"Maybe it's worth mentioning that I came here risking my life to make a deal with you, shall you guys refused, I won't see the sunrise in the morning tomorrow."

The thugs looked at each other and were busy discussing among themselves, when some time had passed, they finally reached consensus.

The leader spoke, "That amount is not enough. Lord Sennan is not just any noble, he is the son of a duke and has significant influence in this kingdom. If he were killed, it would be a scandal, and our heads are at risk!"

"Then I'll give you 10% of the profit from the sales of that drug."

"Huh?! Are you joking with me?! Give us more! At least, uhm..., 70% of the profit!"

"20%. I have influential connections where we could sell the drug."

"60% then. We have a lot of men here, we also responsible for acquiring the ingredients."

"Hmmm...." Frei scratched his cheek lightly, looked like he was thinking of something.

"You said you put your head at risk if you were to kill Lord Sennan, but don't you realize you've been betting your heads when you got involved in this business? Sure, it's nice to be backed by a noble, but I doubt he shares his profit with you. He only views you as his lackeys, am I right?"


"I understand you guys deserve more but with my experience and connections, this business will grow bigger and we'll get more money. How about we settle it on 50-50? Isn't that fair for both of us?"

They weren't protesting at Frei's offer anymore.

"If you take this deal, you guys don't need to be thugs anymore. You will have plenty of golds, women, and everything else you desire."

Everyone there was silent, it was clear from their expression that they had eaten the bait.

"Can I take your silence as a Yes?"
