Chapter 12

"Heey, don't forget about me... I have also contributed taking care of Serena. When I heard the cute little girl I met that day was kidnapped and came back almost dead, I was shocked."

Saola was now sitting at the edge of the bed, hugging one of the pillows like it was a stuffed animal.

"And there is this huge scandal with Sennan House, all individuals related to that house are being investigated right now. The kingdom tried to cover this news, but some rumors have already spread. Frei, you must know more about this right?"

Frei put a slightly troubled expression, shaking his head lightly.

"I have no idea what he was doing there. I merely came there because I received a letter that she was kidnapped. When I arrived they already had a dispute, I was dragged into their dispute and the next thing I know, Serena got hurt."

"Fortunately, I could escape with Serena, but her condition was critical, so I called you and Jean for help. I really want to know more about what happened there as well."

"Uhh... Purely a coincidence huh..."

Unable to get any story from him, Saola buried her face in the pillow, expressing her disappointment. And then as if she remembered something, she raised her face in rapid movement, turning her head to Rena.

"So Serena, can you tell me what happened to you?"

"Uhm, well... I didn't know anything too." Rena shook her head.

She explained the event of her kidnapping and how she managed to escape but decided to return when she realized Frei might be there. Hearing that, Saola's expression turned into disbelief.

With her eyebrows furrowed, she said, "So you return to the burning village because he might be there. Serena, what's wrong with you?"

"Uhm, yeah. I know I was being stupid, but it would leave me a bitter taste if he came here because of me and died."

"You are the one who almost died here!" Saola shouted with a concerned look that couldn't be hidden.

Certainly, being judged and scolded was unpleasant, but it was done out of concern for her safety, so she apologized.

"I'm sorry..." Rena said with downcast eyes.

"Do you truly feel sorry?" Jean who had returned to his seat and only watching their conversations so far, suddenly asked her.

She was taken aback by his words, and putting some thoughts before answering,


Until this moment, she didn't regret returning to that village. Yes, she got hurt but she was still alive. Maybe things will turn differently if she wasn't there, maybe not.

"Then don't say you are sorry. Your action was certainly careless and almost cost you your life, but it also took courage to step into danger out of compassion for others. Some may call it foolish while others praise it, but what important is your feeling about it."

She lifted her head, looking at him. She found those ruby red eyes held a straightforward gaze.

And the next moment, she reacted when her cheek was pinched. "Aw!"

Frei had sat at the other side of the bed, beside her. Leaning towards her, he said,

"You don't regret your action that time, but don't you feel sorry that you are troubling me? My heart stopped when you were hit by that fire."

He lowered his voice, so only Rena could hear it, "I definitely will regret it if you died there. It won't be fun~"

A vein popped on her forehead, she clenched her fist wanting to smack him.

(Fun? It won't be fun for you? Do you think I'm a toy?! Arghh, my stress level definitely goes higher every time I am around him!)

He grinned enjoying her reaction, Rena didn't notice it, but for a slight second his expression softened.

"But Rena, I truly sorry about your hair..." His tone changed to a more serious one.

"Your hair was burned, so we need to cut it."

"Oh? It's fine. It will grow back again." She casually said, wearing indifferent expression.

The gaze that was directed at her from Saola and Frei was one of surprise, it wasn't what they expected. Saola moved her body uncomfortably, sneaking a glance at Rena.

"Se-Serena, is it really alright? You know, I sell a lot of stuff in my shop. We'll find something for you, and there's a wig..."

"No, I'm perfectly fine." Rena quickly cut her words.

She remembered about the Majin Buu headdress, Saola made her wore it. She wondered if people in this world find it fancy. Rena slightly held suspicion, perhaps Saola also came from another world, since most of her creations were referenced of certain cultures that didn't exist in this world.

Frei who watched Rena lost in thought, sighed, "Well, if you say so..."

He patted her head, brushing his fingers on her hair. It was a little ticklish yet comforting at the same time. But she didn't understand their reactions at all, she had watched on TV before there were girls crying because they must cut her hair short or that one of her classmates in high school cried because of a bad haircut, was it really such a big deal?

"Is it bad to have a short hair?" The question just flowed out from her.

"Well... I guess it's good if you aren't attached to such thing. The beautiful long hair was seen as a symbol of femininity, many women took pride in their hair and many men attracted by it. In high-class society, it could even affect your reputation and marriage." Saola explained.

Rena, of course, didn't know about it, but even after she knew about it now, she still didn't care. "Well, I have no reputation to hold anyway."

"H-how about marriage then?! You are of marriageable age!" Saola pushed down the pillow she held on the bed, peering at her.

"Huh? I don't have any plan to marry."

It seemed her words shocked Saola, she turned into a statue. Rena didn't understand why Saola reacted like that. Rena looked around at the guys in the room, only Frei seemed to have an understanding what was happened here. Maybe it was unusual for a girl to think that way in this world.

So Rena added, "Uhm, even if that will happen someday, it's too far stretch worrying about it now. Hair grows."

"Excluding this hair, I am bound by master-slave contract with Frei. Even if I want too, is it possible to get married?" Throwing a glance at Frei.

The guy only replied with a smirk.

Finally, with a heavy sigh, Saola said, "I am just surprised by your way of thinking..."

A question suddenly popped into her mind. Considering this world standard that people married young, Saola, Frei, and Jean looked like they were in the early to middle of the twenties, wouldn't they have family already?

Without knowing what was coming, Rena asked innocently, "Saola, are you married?"

She heard something cracked.

The frozen Saola crumbled into pieces.

Realizing this was a mistake, Rena plead with her eyes for the other guys to help with the situation. Frei scratched his head, looking at another direction. Jean was indifferent. And Sebastian whose presence was somehow forgotten until now was the one who tried to break this awkward situation.

*cough* *cough*

"Miss Serena is still recovering, it would be better to let her rest and not to disturb her much."

"Ah, Yeah. We will disturb her recovery if we stay too long here, I'll return again tomorrow, Rena. Please rest well." He stood up.

"Saola, didn't you said earlier, you want to show me your newest collections? Let's go."

Frei dragged the blank face Saola out of the room. "See ya, Jean. Please take care of Rena."

"Wait, Frei, I need to talk to you." Jean raised from his chair.

"Hmm? What's the matter?" He said it playfully, but there was unspeakable understanding conveyed from their eyes. "Sebastian, can you take Saola outside first? I'll be there soon."

"Yes, understood." He bowed and left with Saola.

"Rena, I'll borrow Jean for a while okay? See you tomorrow." Frei waved at her.

"Un." Rena nodded. "See ya."

She watched the figures of those two walking out from the door.


The sound of door closing echoed in the big spacey room, and soon with only Rena there, the room became quiet.

"I should properly apologize to Saola next time, it was a touchy subject that I shouldn't bring up. I know girls could be sensitive on this matter, haah..."

Rena too had a topic that she'd rather not to talk about it before, like about her mother, or about her love life. Before long, she noticed the black color book that was on the table next to the bed. Rena extended her hand to grab the book. The book was slightly heavy, so she quickly held it with both hands. She could see the cover up close now, the letters were written with golden color ink.

The Study of Dimension Magic

By Jean R. Jaunice

She was a little surprise that guy wrote this book, he didn't look like the scholar type. But that's why they said 'don't judge the book by its cover'.

"So that guy read his own book..."

She opened the thick and heavy book and looked at the table of contents.

Table of Contents:

1. What is Dimension Magic?

2. Dimensional Creation Theory

3. Dimensional Manipulation Theory

4. Dimensional Traveling Theory

5. Portal Creation Theory

6. Multiple Dimensions Theory

7. Dimensional Interactions Theory

8. Summoning and Banishment Theory

9. Otherworld Summoning Myth or Fact

10. Possible Applications of Dimension Magic

11. Runes Related to Dimension Magic

12. Constructing Dimension Magic Formula

13. Dimension Magic and Magic Power Consumption

14. Cautions when performing a spell

15. End Words

(Nearly half the content are theories, and here I thought it would be a spell book...)

"Is there something useful here? Let's see..."

She started flipping the pages...


Meanwhile, behind the other side of the door, Frei and Jean were standing there. Frei leaned his back against the wall, putting his hands in the pocket, wearing a calm expression, facing Jean who was standing in front of him with arms crossed.

"What's up with that look, Jean?"

"Who is that girl, Frei?"

Being looked by that sharp piercing eyes usually made someone uncomfortable, but Frei was unfazed.

"Does the sun rise in the west today? To think the day when Jean is interested in the opposite sex had come." Frei made a naughty grin.

"Cut the crap, Frei. I thought it was suspicious when you suddenly asked my help to save someone. You won't be bothered if she is nothing." Jean glared at him.

"Well, I told you before that you won't regret it if you help me this time, didn't I? Are you interested now?" Frei said.

"Just tell me who she is."

"She is just a girl I bought from Tawarr's auction house a few days ago. Beside the fact that she is one of the descendants of The Amethyst Wizard, I don't know anything else. And here I was hoping you could tell me who she is."

"How am I supposed to know that?!" He knitted his eyebrows.

"Then what made you interested in her?"

"...You didn't tell me that she is Alphard's bloodline."

"Would it make any difference if I told you that?"

Frei moved closer to Jean, "I know you were surprised about her healing rate, her affinity with magic is higher than you, a wizard who is known as a genius. Never in history, we heard his bloodlines were gifted by magical power, they seemed to be cursed, avoided by magic at all cost. But is it only that?"

"What were you talking before I came?" Frei peered Jean, checking any hint of his expression. When he entered the room, the Jean who was only interested in magic was looking at Rena intently.

"Nothing important." Jean looked away.

"Oh, I see. Just tell me if you are interested, okay? I could use your help too. I don't mind if Jean wanted to play with her a little, my intuition said it would benefit me." He tapped Jean's shoulder.

"Tch. Let's talk again tomorrow." Jean turned around, going back to the room.

His lips curved up looking at Jean's figure from behind.

(Even she could make me curious, how could not be for Jean?)

"I bet he is really itchy right now."


Rena quickly put the book back on the table when she heard the door was opened, but Jean still saw it. Crossing the room in a couple of strides, he asked her when he was close enough, "Is there anything you found interesting?"

"Umm... I was just curious."

He sat back on his chair. "Oh, really? Which part made you curious?"

"I only flipped the pages, I didn't really understand what's written there... I guess I just want to know how magic works." She confessed.

"You don't know how magic works? Can't you do magic?" There was a surprise in his tone.

"No, I can't. I have no idea how magic work." Rena shook her head.

"Unbelievable, even though you have a high affinity toward magic. Then how come you know about otherworld summoning?" His eyes were examining her.

"Eh, that's... I've heard it from someone." Rena lied. How could she tell him that it was one of the tropes that author used for isekai story.


"I forget... we just met once." She avoided his piercing gaze.

"Oh, where did you meet him?"

Now, a bead of sweat fell from Rena's forehead, the guy was too persistent, keep chasing her with questions. Why did he want to know so much?

"Umm, on the ship when I was caught."

(Please, stop asking!)

"Hmm... That's regretful you don't remember who he is. Then Serena is it? Mind you tell me a little about yourself?"

"Eh?! Wh-wha, whai you want to know about me?" Rena stuttered, she didn't expect that coming.

"I still need to take care of you for a few days until you are fully recovered. Isn't it better that we know a little bit about the other? Of course, you can ask me questions too, I'll answer them as long as it's within my knowledge."

Rena was cornered.

In the room that was bathed in the orange color of sunset, Rena with a tense expression on her face was staring at Jean, not sure of what to do. Jean leaned back in the chair, with arms crossed, observantly watching her.

(This is bad! What should I tell him? He wouldn't let go of me easily, if I didn't give him a satisfying answer.)

Jean finally spoke, "Is there any reason you couldn't tell me about yourself?"

"Ah, that's..."

(Yes, yes. It's complicated™)

She decided to tell him the truth, but not the whole truth.

"Actually, I didn't remember anything about myself. Who am I or where I lived before I was kidnapped... I only remember when I woke up, the village was burning and then I was caught."

One of his eyebrows was raised. From his point of view, she didn't seem like someone who had amnesia, although he wasn't sure about it.

"I see... That's unfortunate." He said.

"Then I'll get you some memory potions and cast some memory spells on you, the process was a bit uncomfortable but hopefully, you could get your memory back again."

"Ehh?!" She lifted her face abruptly, with widened eyes looking at him. Just now, she couldn't believe what she heard.

Jean stood up from his chair and walk to the door. "I'll go get it now."

(This guy really is dangerous!!)

(Someone save meee!!)
