Chapter 17

"C'mon, purple sis, walk faster!"

"Alright! Alright!"

Jean, Frei, and Sebastian had gone earlier with another carriage. Right now, there were only Mirra and Rena. They just got off from the carriage, avoiding people around them, and walking toward the big merchant ship that would take them to a different continent. They had some time before the ship departed since the crews were still busy loading cargo in the ship. They said goodbye to Saola this morning and thank her for the hospitality. The girls promised that they would meet again. They waved goodbye as the carriage left until they couldn't see her again.

When Rena arrived at the deck, she reminiscent just how five days ago, she stepped into this city with the worst situation in her life. So much had happened these past few days that it suddenly felt like a distance memory. Rena looked at the horizon and a faint smile appeared on her face.

"Purple sis, I need to do something a little bit, if I leave, don't get off the ship!"

"No, I won't!" Rena said.

She leaned on the deck, looking Mirra's figure went away. When she couldn't see her anymore, Rena closed her eyes, inhaling the breeze which carried the smell of the ocean, hearing the sound of the crashing waves. This time, she could truly appreciate it.

Thinking of what had happened these past few days. She made two important progress, she got a teacher and a job! Although not the kind of teacher or job she expected, she was still excited. She would soon be able to cast magic, it's a great skill to have! About the job, she felt a little regretful, that it was still far in the future.

"I need to find more jobs…" She muttered.

If she went to the streets, with her purple eyes, she would attract attention right away. So that option was shelved, she didn't want to get into a problematic situation again. But it was troubling that so far Frei hadn't asked her to do anything, the guy liked teasing her too much that she was afraid at this rate she would end up going that route. Would she be thrown away after he got bored? If that happened, what would become or her? Would she be so lucky like this time?

She shook her head violently, trying to erase the thought.

(I need to collect money as soon as possible before that happens!)

After some time had passed, Rena started getting bored, without having anything to do except waiting. She moved, going to the other side of the ship where the crews busy loading the cargoes.

"Everyone else has something to do, even Mirra is busy with something. It's just me who don't have anything else to do."

Rena remembered about Jean who had gone earlier with Frei and Sebastian, he didn't seem to be busy, maybe she could chat with him.

(No no no, not The Evil Queen who tried to give Snow White a poisonous apple.)

She erased that option from her mind.

"Maybe I could check my room in the ship!" She clapped her hands.

She scanned the deck, trying to find the door that will lead her to the cabin below. She was late to notice when her foot stumbled across the rope on the floor.

"Waa!" She almost fell.

But a hand quickly grabbed her.

The person helping her was a guy who looked a little older than her, with his silver hair blowing by the wind, contrasting with his exotic skin and his bright blue eyes. He let go of her arm after she fixed her balance.

"Thank you!"

But he just walked away, not saying any word to her.

She watched his back for a moment and then continued what she was going to do.

Rena went down to the cabin area, walking through the corridor when she saw an old map on the wall. Her footsteps stopped.


"A map of this world!" She got excited.

A golden symbol was stamped on top of the map and a word Terrasia written in red ink. The map showed two giant land masses.

"If I'm not mistaken, they called it West and East Continent."

She noticed landmarks drawn there, showing the kingdoms in this world, Ardia Kingdom was shown on the southern part of the continent on the left.

"Hmm… one, two, three,…, seven. Hoo, there are seven kingdoms on these two continents."

"What are you doing?" There was a voice coming from behind her.

Rena flinched, hearing the familiar voice from behind her.

"Nothing much, I'm just looking at the map here."

"You still don't remember any?" Jean asked.

"Nope, not at all. What are you doing here?"

"I heard somebody making a noise in front of my room."


(Dammit, why of all places it's in front of his room.)

"If you don't have anything to do then come to my room. Let's talk a little." He opened the door, hinting her to go inside. She peered into the room behind him.

(…I guess it's worth trying, I can't avoid him forever.)

"Well, then… Excuse me."

She entered the cabin, it was bigger than she expected. There were two armchairs and a table near the circular window, and the bed was placed near the wall.

She sat on one of the chairs there. "What should I call you from now on?"

"What do you mean?"

"Since you are going to be my teacher, maybe I could call you Professor Jean, Mr. Jean, Jean… -sensei?" She muttered the last word in a small voice.

He frowned. "Just Jean is fine. It sounds annoying when you call me with any of those."

(What do you mean annoying?)

A vein popped on her forehead.

Jean pulled a small red book from his pocket and gave it to Rena. The cover read, The Basic Runes.

"What is this?"

"Those are list of Runes for beginner, I want you to memorize them."

She opened the book and saw a lot of symbols inside. Thanks to the translator magic, she could understand what's written there.

"Why do I need to memorize these?"

"Just like learning how to read or write, you must learn letters first. Each of these symbols has its own meaning, you could cast a simple magic just by recalling the symbol."


"The more advance spells combine runes together, but you don't need to know that now."

"So, how do I cast a spell with this?"

Jean showed her the page where a symbol read as fire was written.

"This is fire, remember this symbol and imagine a small fire."

She nodded, closing her eyes, following his instructions.

"Feel the warm and gather it on your palm. Now raise your palm, and say fire. It would be easier for beginner to say the name."

Rena felt the warm gathering in her body, she tried to focus it on her palm, imagining a small fire, and she said, "Fire."

Something flickered on her palm, and then fire appeared on her hand, like a bonfire.


"Wha!" She was surprised.

Jean quickly cast a water orb, dropping it on her.


Her body got wet, but she didn't care, a bright smile decorated her face, "I… I did it! I really could cast magic!"

"….You still need to know how to control your energy."

"Yes! I'll try once again."

"Wait." Jean said. "Fire is not good. We're on the ship right now, I don't want you to burn it. Let's try another rune."

This time, she tried to cast wind. Rena imagined the soft wind breeze, "Wind!"


A rather strong wind blew in Jean's room, knocking the furniture.

"I'm sorry!" She said.

"It's fine. For first attempts, those are quiet a feat. I was surprised you did it easily."

Jean waved his hand and the furniture returned to its place again.

"What do you mean?" Rena asked.

"The hardest part for the beginner is trying to manifest the magic and channeling their energy into the spell. Say, you imagine a candle fire, it would be a good sign if a spark appeared."

Jean continued his explanation, "In your case, the opposite happened. It's like opening a small gate at the dam. The moment it was opened, the water surged, quickly flooding the channel."

"I see… I'll work hard to control it then."

"For now, please don't try to practice the spell when I'm not around, that would be dangerous."


(But I want to practice more…)

"Oh, by the way…" He reached out a box on the table and open it.

"I made another memory potion for you yesterday. Maybe it will work this time."

Her eyes bulged out hearing that.

He pulled a small container inside the box, the bottle was filled with murky brown liquid which reminded her of… something disgusting.

(Please, giving up on this already!!! Why are you more curious about my memory than me?!)

"No, I refuse!"

At the same time when she said that words, a knock on the door was heard.

"Hi, Jean, is Serena there?"

It was Frei's voice. She was relieved hearing his voice.

"Yes, she is." Jean replied.

Frei opened the door and entered the room.

"I saw Mirra and didn't see you on the deck, so I was wondering where did you go. Why are you wet?"

"Sorry, I was waiting on the deck earlier but there wasn't anything much to do for me there." She shook her sleeves out in attempt to dry it. "About this, I'm just practicing a spell with Jean. Why are you looking for me?"

"It's almost time for the ship to depart, I'm checking if everyone's on board. Sebastian has returned as well. Sorry to disturb your lesson, but could both of you go to the deck for a while? It's easier to monitor everyone that way."

"Yes, we will!"

She quickly stood up from her seat, relieved that she wouldn't drink another weird potion. Jean who noticed this, glared at her.

On the deck, she saw Sebastian and Mirra were waiting for them, and the guy who helped Rena earlier. She stared at the guy wondering who he might be.

"Rena, you haven't met him yet, right?" Frei said.

"His name is Senka, he is Sebastian's adoptive son. He works for me too."

She smiled at that guy and said, "My name is Serena, nice to meet you, Senka."

The guy lowered his head a little.

"Sorry, Senka couldn't talk." Frei said.


Rena looked at the guy again. She thought it was a pity that he couldn't talk. What would his voice sounded like if he could say a word? He turned away gazing at the faraway horizon which was as blue as his eyes, his silence only emphasized his aloofness even more.


Frei stretched her cheek.

"What a bad habit, staring at another guy in front of me."

"Stop pinching me! Yours is the bad habit!" She pouted.

"Maybe you need to be reminded of my charm."

The hand which touched her cheek moved, brushing her hair away from her face, tugging it behind her ear. His finger softly traced the sensitive skin behind her ear. It was slightly ticklish, and the small part of the skin he touched felt burning.

(Stop forcing your ikemen charm on me! I only have one fragile heart here!)

Fortunately, they were on the deck and there was a large space behind her, she stepped back, avoiding him, and moved behind Sebastian.

"I see… You feel safe around Sebastian, eh."

*cough* *cough*

Sebastian who didn't want to get into trouble diverted the attention.

"All the passengers are on board now, I will inform Captain Fawkes to start sailing. Please, excuse me."

He left Rena who were busy dodging Frei's attacks. The other guys watched them with different expressions on their face, some were grinning, some were surprised, or just like Jean, were indifferent.

And soon, the captain shouted the signal, and the ship unfurled its sails. Bringing Rena to another new place. She watched as the land slowly went smaller and smaller, until its fully gone from the view. Beside her was Mirra, who was still gazing at the direction of her homeland. And at the other side was Frei, cheerfully humming a sailing song.


[Extra: Rena's Interview *Spoiler*]

Hello, this is Author-san. I got an inspiration to make this page from Ikaze. There are requests to explain about the characters better, so I thought it's better to ask them directly. Today, I call our MC to explain more about herself!

A-san: Can you tell me a little about yourself?

Rena: Hi, my name is Aoki Rena. I'm 22 years old, but my current body is around 16-17 years old. That's only my guess, I don't know when and where I was born, I don't even know the name I have in Terrasia...

A-san: Well, I hope you'll be able to remember it soon. (Lie. I'm the author, I know it won't happen anytime soon.)

Rena: Thank you!

A-san: Can you also describe a little about your appearance? There are requests from the readers about that.

Rena: Uhm, it's weird trying to explain about my own appearance...

A-san: Sorry! A-san wasn't doing a good job about that! Can Rena-chan do that?? Pretty please??

Rena: Ok, I'll try. What do you want to know?

A-san: For starter, how about your hair color and eye color?

Rena: My hair is black. It's short now, but no biggie, it will grow back again. My eye color is just like my predecessor who's called The Amethyst Wizard, it's the color of that gemstone. Oh, btw, it's only the pupil. I got a nightmare where my eyes turned all purple and then it slowly spread into my skin, my hair, my teeth... *shiver*

A-san: You have very vivid imagination, Rena-chan. Next, can you tell me about your height and three sizes?

Rena: Ehh?! Why the sizes too?! No, I don't know about that!

A-san: Lie. Saola measured it for you. I'll give you a gold coin if you say it, how's it?

Rena: ...Fine. My height is 160 cm and my three sizes are 86-58-89 cm.

A-san: Well done, Rena-chan. Is there any notable feature you want to mention?

Rena: Not really, but I'm happy that I don't have any pimple on my face! Banzai!

A-san: Lucky you. How about your voice? Can you describe it?

Rena: Hmm, I'd say it's alto soprano. What do you think, A-san?

A-san: I think you have a sweet breathy voice. It reminds me of Lauren Aquilina's. Next question, what's your favorite food?

Rena: I like... Hmm... That's a hard question. I like too many foods, so I don't have any particular food I like. Trying a new dish is what I like. Nothing too extreme though.

A-san: Then is there any particular food you miss?

Rena: Yeah, I want Takoyaki. A-san, can you send me Takoyaki, please?

A-san: I can't do that, Rena-chan. I haven't had one for a long time either.

Hey, you can make one there, I'm sure it will be popular.

Rena: I won't ask you if I can make one here. Un, I'll try to make one someday! Must make the tool and find the ingredients first.

A-san: Good luck with that! Ok, the next question is coming from [Minus]. Are you aware of Jun's feeling toward you?

Rena: ...What do you mean?

A-san: Don't answer a question with another question, Rena-chan.

Rena: I don't want to guess, A-san. He never told me anything.

A-san: So, if he were to confess, would you accept it?

Rena: Err, there's no point to think about this. This 'what if' will never happen with my current situation.

A-san: Then what type of guy do you like?

Rena: Physically, I don't really care how they look, but they must be clean and neat! It's very important! I just want someone who is sincere and reliable, who can spend a lot of time with me, making a lot of memories together until we're old.

A-san: Those aren't hard requirements to fulfill, but I understand where you are coming from. Basically, the opposite of your father.

Rena: Yeah... Dad is a great person, but I wish we could spend more time together...

A-san: Oh, no. Don't be sad, Rena-chan! We're not done yet here! Awawawa! So, have you ever been in love?

Rena: Yea, I had a boyfriend when I was in 9th grade. Let's not talk about that. Ugh...

A-san: Ok then. Next, do you have any romantic interest in the guys around you right now?

Rena: Huh? Nothing sort of.

A-san: Really? How about Frei? He has look, money, and a gentleman. You even admitted that he was like the prince character in the otome game. Don't you like him?

Rena: The way you put it make him scarily perfect, it feels unreal. Hmm, I like him, he is nice and easy to talk with. Despite keep teasing me like that, he never crossed the line. But romantically... err, I don't know anything about him? He may be taken already. Even if he's available, at a glance you know he is the type that has many women surrounding him. Catfight is troublesome. Also, he's hard to read. Figuring him out is troublesome too.

A-san: Haha... Then, how about Jean?

Rena: He is troublesome in a different way. All those nightmares... *shiver*

A-san: How about Sebastian?

Rena: Eh? I'm not a fan of the huge age gap... That would be troublesome.

A-san: How about Senka?

Rena: Who? Oh, that guy.

A-san: Hmm... Rena-chan, last question, I just want to make sure, but what's your sexual orientation?

Rena: I'm straight. Why are you asking that?

A-san: You don't seem to have any interest in guys.

Rena: Should I?

A-san: Uh, oh... Well, we hope you will fall in love soon! Because I tagged your story as romance. Good luck on Finding Love In Another World, Rena-chan! Thank you for answering the questions! Bye~

Rena: Huh?! W-wwaaaiittt!!!