Chapter 20: Activities On The Ship: [ Jean POV ]

"Yeah, I have informed Valia Kingdom's Magician Guild about my decision."

"How about your father?"

"He doesn't have anything to do with it."

"This is you, we're talking about."

The black feather pen stopped, his hand pressed the tip against the parchment, leaving a blotch ink. His left eye twitched, annoyed by this silly mistake. Now, he must rewrite the formula again.

"Exactly, this is about me. My decision has nothing to do with them."

Fire came from his hand, burning the parchment.

Frei whistled as Jean's magic burning the parchment like an instantaneous combustion, acknowledging the handy skill. And then he spoke, "There will be a huge problem when we arrived in Valia."

Jean now gave his full attention to Frei, he would write the formula again later. His eyes moved to his friend who was sitting across the room.

"Just deal with it like you always do."

With his palm on the cheek supporting his head, he threw an exasperated sigh at Jean.

"You are the one who dragged me into this. Do you regret it now?" Jean said.

"On second thought, you're worth the trouble." Frei said, with one of the corners of his mouth lifted, his sea-green eyes reflecting the light coming through the window.

Jean massaged his forehead. That kind of embarrassing line he casually spoke with an alluring smile had made the maids in his household misunderstood of their relationship. Whenever Frei visited his house, they would secretly gather, hiding behind the wall, whispering excitedly.

To be honest, he disliked Frei when they first met. Even as a boy, he already had that fake smile plastered on his face, never revealing his own thoughts. It was a twist of fate that made them become good friends like this.

Frei moved a little, stretching his body. "So… How was yesterday?"

"What about yesterday?"

"Your lesson with Rena." He smiled as if trying to hide the curiosity in his eyes.

He gave a thought before speaking, "She is a quick learner, I don't know if it's related to her abundant magic power or not, but she mastered a spell easily. With a little practice, I believe she could master basic spells faster than average magicians. Besides, she is very eager to learn."

"Oh, I'm glad then. It's very rare for you to praise someone." Frei chuckled a little.

"Frei, what are you going to do with her?"

He tilted his head. "Hmm?"

Sometimes, Frei reminded him of a cat. He would play with a ball of yarn excitedly and then left the next second. But this time, it might be a ticking bomb he played with.

"I don't plan to snoop around your business, but that girl will be too big of a problem to handle for you someday. If any kingdom realized her existence, they would want to monopolize her, especially the Hisute Empire. What do you want to gain by keeping her?"

A war could break when great political powers wanted to claim her, he was only a merchant, no matter how big his business now, he shouldn't put his feet on the place where the big cats fought and killed each other.

There was a long silence when the two guys staring at each other.

Finally, Frei opened his mouth, "Even if it's Jean, I can't tell you. Maybe someday?"

"I knew you would say that."

Jean gave up pursuing this matter. Even though they were close, Frei didn't fully trust him or anyone else, except Sebastian. He wondered if that someday would ever come.

Jean never knew what Frei wanted to do with his life. If Frei were serious, he could have achieved more. If he wanted political power, he could marry a noble daughter. Instead, he wasted his time, playing with many flowers, going from places to places. And now, he kept a girl who could destroy everything he had.

*knock* *knock*

"Excuse me, this is Sebastian. I heard Master Frei is here."

That was the voice of Frei's loyal assistant, Sebastian. He was about to stand when Frei signaled him that he would open it. He stood up from the chair and walked toward the door.

"Yes, Sebastian? Did something happen?"

"I apologize for my rudeness, everything is alright. Miss Serena said to inform you that the dish is ready."

"Oh?" Frei sounded happy. "It's a little soon for lunch, but I want to try it. Let's go, Jean."

"Huh? Why do I need to go as well?"

"Because it's not good to stay in the room all day. If I don't take you out, you would hole up all day in this room. Besides, something interesting might happen."

"Very well." Jean took his offer.

Jean couldn't help but get curious. Sebastian acted unusually, seemed to have something else to say. If something disturbing that sly man, he wanted to know what was the cause.

They quit the room, walking to his office. Sebastian left after informing them he would bring the dish there. Having known Frei for ten years, Jean knew he must scheme something here.

"What are you pulling this time?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just want to eat something." Frei showed him that cover up smile again.

Jean frowned. He knew his friend eating habit. Someone must starve Frei to death first before he said he wanted to eat.

Also, making that girl worked in the kitchen would only waste her time. Instead of studying magic and developing her magical talent, he wasted her time for his amusement.

"Why would you make that girl cook? Don't you have a chef already?"

"Well, she said she wanted to cook before."

"Huh? She knows how to cook?" Jean raised one of his eyebrows.

"About that, I'm curious as well. A few hours ago, I found her wandering in the cargo room below, wanting to know about the goods I sold, so I gave her a little tour. Surprisingly, she didn't know the name of any single goods there."

"It's not surprising. She has amnesia."

"Hee, amnesia...?" Frei gave a side glance at him. "Tell me more about it."

"She told me she has amnesia. That's it. I don't have anything more to tell."

Actually, Jean wasn't convinced she had amnesia. Her reactions toward the potions he gave her didn't show any sign that the girl lost her memory, but she was as clueless as someone who didn't have any memory.

Since that night when he sensed the magic activated from the communication gem he gave to Frei, Jean couldn't rest peacefully at night. His thoughts keep racing, thinking to solve the mystery of this purple eyes girl. His researcher's instinct tingled wanting to know the truth.

(If she doesn't have any memory, why would she be interested in other world summoning? Common people don't care about, the theory related to other world summoning...)

(In the first place, all her answers related to her identity were too vague...)

"Jean?" Frei tapped his shoulder.

Jean snapped back to reality. "Eh?"

"Geez, you always forget about your surrounding when busy with your thoughts."

"There is something I couldn't figure it out, it's bothering me." He avoided Frei's gaze.

"I see... Just don't overthink about it, if your hair turned white sooner than your old man, he would shed pitiful tears."

"Shut up."

It became the usual banter between them until they arrived at his office. His office was the display of his success as a merchant, although it was only a small office in the ship. He had a small library and a painting from a famous artist. His wooden desk was made out of one fine giant trunk. The sofa in the middle of the room was made from the highest quality leather and under it lay a carpet with intricate design.

A small table for two placed near the window.

They sat there, waiting for Sebastian to come.

"Frei, you'd only waste her potential, playing this game of yours."

"I swore that I don't force her to do this. She was the one who said she wanted to cook."

"Oh, really?"

With that usual mischievous smile, he said, "We made a little bet though."

A moment later Sebastian knocked the door. When he came in, Serena was following him. Soon enough, her gaze was exploring the room, her head moved a little, matching her gaze. From these past few days he observed her, Serena had curiosity and she listened well. At first, he didn't really care about how he should teaching her, he just wanted to observe her. But, seeing her working hard with her training made him want to teach her more. In the end, he was glad to teach her.

While Sebastian putting the dish on the table, she stood behind him, looking nervous. Staring at the dish she made on the table. Jean looked at the dish in front of him.

(Amnesia? She certainly knows how to cook.)

He was irritated.

Jean didn't like being deceived. Well, nobody did. But telling him a stupid lie that was easily discovered made him extremely annoyed. It felt like she was underestimating his intelligence.

(If you want to lie, lie better. Stick to it!)

Jean looked at Frei, wanting to know his thought, but the other person sitting at the other end was entranced by the dish in front of him.

"Re-Rena..., you make... these?" Frei said in a disbelieved tone, he didn't blink for a long time.

He knew about Frei's weakness. Not only he was very picky with his foods, Frei had a soft spot for sweets. And, in front of them right now was a stunning dessert, worthy to be called a masterpiece.

Jean shook his head, his friend obviously wanted to eat that. Frei had forgotten the mask he supposed to wear, swallowing his saliva. His hand was about to move when Serena snatched the pie.

"No! You must eat the dish first! If you don't eat the dish, I won't give the dessert to you!"

"Huh..." Frei startled.

"Does nobody ever teach you that?"

"But..." He wanted to protest.

"You said you were going to eat my food earlier!"

Jean bit his lips, just now he wanted to laugh. He disguised it by covering his mouth with his hand. It was a rare view to see Frei got scolded. Usually, this guy could smoothly get his way, watching him being completely conquered because of food was really entertaining.

Frei gave in. Listening to what she said, he scooped the soup into the bowl and sipped it, he paused. Without making any comment, he dipped his spoon to get a second.

(Heh, trying to act cool. Just admit it that you like it.)

Jean switched his gaze to the food in front of him. "What's this?"

"It's just... my variation of steamed egg. I found some ingredients in the pantry and Jack let me use it. It was easy to make and kids usually like it!" Her voice carried nervousness but she spoke every word clearly.

Jean dipped his spoon in the cup and ate it. It had a mild flavor and the familiar taste of egg, giving a warm feeling in the heart, its soft silky texture made the food slid easily in the throat. She executed the delicate dish perfectly.

"I like it." He gave her his honest opinion.

"Thank you!" A smile spread on her face, she was relieved.

The next thing on the plate was seafood.

"I don't like a prawn." Frei said suddenly.

"No dessert." She replied curtly.

"...Fine. But if I still don't like it, you know what that means, right?"

"J-just try it!" She shouted.

Frei nibbled at the food and chewed it with a doubtful look. There were a few seconds of silence until he swallowed it.

"It's... sweet..."

"Yeah, I coated the prawns with honey, mixed with some spices, garlic, and a little salt before grilling it. I found kids usually liked it."

Jean was trying hard suppressing his laugh, glancing at sulking expression of Frei who kept being compared with kids, Jean almost forget to try his food. She obviously had learned that Frei was difficult to please with food, like a spoiled-rotten noble kid.

Jean bit the prawn and a melting combination of sweet and savory invading his palette.

"This is delicious." The words spontaneously flew from him.

Jean was impressed by the second dish, at the same time, his suspicion toward the girl became stronger. The perfect blend of spices, the rich deep flavor sipping through the meat, the roasted surface giving special aroma tingling the sense of smell while the meat was still soft and juicy inside, perfect grilling timing. And what surprised him, he never knew honey can be used like this. The caramelized honey was amazing.

(Only a chef who has been exposed to a lot of cuisines and pocketing years of cooking experience could make this kind of dish.)

In this world, where spices were still considered as luxury commodities, only when one worked in the palace that they could get the opportunity to touch many different types ingredients and spices from all over the world, taking an apprenticeship with more experienced chefs, and doing experiments to create a new dish.

One wouldn't know what to do with all of these stuff without a sufficient experience.

(This is the level of Valia's royal palace head chef... No, even compare to royal palace head chef's dish, I think she's better...)

Jean, of course, as a noble had been invited to the parties in the king's palace. Yet, he was astonished by Rena's dish.

Frei quickly finished his plate and without waiting for Sebastian's help, sliced the pie. He didn't say anything, but Jean who was sitting in front of him could see that he blushed a little when he put the pie in his mouth. The guy was trying hard to hide it by lowering his face.

The pie definitely looked stunning, decorated with shining red, blue, green, and yellow fruits. It was a little small for a pie, but since she originally made it only for a single person, it was understandable. Sebastian stepped forward and gave a slice for him. Jean cut the tip with his spoon and then put it in his mouth. The crust made a good sound when he crunched it, the sweet fluffy filling inside mixed with cheese was soft, just a good amount of sugar, also the fruits gave a refreshing feeling, not to make someone's feel heavy when eating it. But what's weird, it was cool.

(Didn't she just finish making it?)

"How did you make this pie?" Jean asked her since Frei was quiet.

"Rather than fruit pie, it's called fruit tart." She said.

"Oh, then how did you make this fruit tart?"

Her face stiffened and she bit her lips. "It's a secret recipe..."

Wrong answer. If he wanted to know it, then she must give him an explanation. But it wasn't a good time to pursue the answer. Just wait, he would definitely ask it again.

He looked at the pie and there was only a slice left, he almost shouted in surprise because Frei had eaten three-quarter of it with incredible speed, and a new slice was on his plate.

And Jean took the last piece, his friend's hand twitched a little when he did that.

"Eating too many sweets isn't good."

Watching Frei's anguished look was fun, the guy could be childish sometimes even if he tried to cover it.

"Uhm, so... how is it?" Serena asked.

"It's wonderful. I'm glad I could taste your dish, Serena. Moreover, I definitely see something interesting." He sneered looking at Frei.

It wasn't only because of Frei who got overturned by his own game. That was certainly amusing in its own right. But Jean was sure now, the girl never lost her memory. It was true that she hadn't any knowledge about magic or everything around her, but at the same time, she carried unusual knowledge within her.

Jean had a theory, a crazy idea, an impossible one, but he couldn't shake it off his mind.

(I must keep observing her, I'll find the truth someday.)
