Chapter 23: Dawn

"Rena, wake up."

Someone pinched her nose.


She wanted to sleep more but the uncomfortable sensation in her nose wouldn't let her. She was shaking her head trying to break free, but she still couldn't breathe properly.


Finally, she opened her mouth, annoyed, being forcefully woken up. Sensing his presence was close by, in her half-awaken state, she shoved her hand to his face.

"Stop it!"

"Ouch!" Frei shouted.

Rena squinted her eyes, trying to focus. Her vision was filled with the figure of a blonde guy rubbing his cheek after receiving her attack. The sky in the background was still colored with indigo although the shade slowly changed to yellow in the east.

"Good morning, Rena." He said with a light refreshing tone.

She recalled the memory from last night as why she ended up sleeping here. She moved, stretching her stiff body, the result of sleeping in an uncomfortable place all night long. Unfortunately, the space didn't allow much freedom to do that. Frei stood, offering his hand to help her stand.

Come on, it's sunrise. You don't want to miss it."

She grabbed the hand offered to her. Frei pulled her body, helping her to stand.

"Right, sun rises every day." She said, half-yawning. Her tone showed that she was still annoyed.

"Hehe, Rena has morning temper." He chuckled looking at her state.

"What do you mean by that?" She frowned.

"You are the type of person who wake up grumpy every morning."

"And whose fault is that? You fell asleep here last night and then you rudely woke me up!"

"Ok, I'll do it gently next time." He rubbed his nose on the side of her head.

She moved her head, trying to avoid him.

"That's not the point! And there's no next time!" Throwing him a sullen look.

"But I want to watch sunrise together with you." A carefree smile appeared on his fresh complexion.

That smile was as bright as the soft golden sun peeked over the horizon. She dazed for a moment before realizing the sun had risen and it 'literally' made him bright. His slightly wavy hair which had the color of the sun itself caught the light that shone upon him, made him seem glowing.

The light got brighter, slowly enveloping the world; touching the sky, the sea, and everything in sight with its warm presence.

"This was the first time in a while I could sleep that long." He made a confession.

Rena took a glance at him, remembering she met him last night on the deck.

(So, not only eating problem, he had sleeping problem as well…)

He definitely looked fresh and energetic right now. Also, that mischievous side of him had been refreshed.

"I want to see Sebastian's reaction hearing that his master likes sleeping in a crow's nest than a bed."

"Haha..." He gave a weak laugh and then said, "It's not where, but who."

"Here you go again." She made a wry smile, hearing that cheesy line.

"You've also put the barrier here, protecting us from the wind all night long. It's amazing how you improve this much in one week."

"Jean is a good teacher." She said. "This is also a good practice maintaining my barrier when I'm sleeping."

"Hee, then for the hard-working Rena, I'll give you present. Is there anything you want?"

"No, not really." She replied quickly.

"You should be more greedy."

She thought for a while, if any, she only wanted to get money. It would be hard for her to find a job in the city without troubling everyone around her, so she was thinking of this possibility for a while, and now was a good time to bring about it.

Frei definitely upped to something, she didn't know whether it was good or bad, but she wanted to have option to refuse and run away. She must get back her freedom.

She gripped her clothes, mustering her courage. "Then, if I made something in the future, could I use your company to sell it?"

"Oh? What do you want to sell?"

"I don't know yet, but it would be easier for me to get money if you let me do that."

"You want to get away from me, huh?"

"Mmm..." She didn't deny it.

"Fine, I want to see what you can do too. I'll give you permission to sell whatever you made. So, how will we share the profit?"

"W-well, I want to get the royalty or whatever I deserve."

"You'll get taken advantage if you act like that. Be more decisive." A teasing smile appeared on his face.

"Say the one who wants to take advantage of me the most!" She shouted.

"Hahaha..." He burst into laughter.

It made Rena couldn't move her gaze from him. She didn't realize she was captivated by that carefree expression of him.

"Hey, what are you doing up there?!! It's not a place to play!!" Captain Fawkes shouted from below.

Because the sun had risen, people started waking up one by one. Captain Fawkes who just stepped on the deck, quickly noticed the non-crew members standing on the lookout platform. His words made everyone looking up, noticing the two figures.

"We're just enjoying scenery, Captain! Give us a sec!" Frei shouted back.

"Ah?! B-boss?!! Ne-nevermind what I said, please enjoy your time there!"

"Thank you captain." He threw his gentleman smile to the captain who quickly left them.

(Is it alright for a captain to act like that?)

She made a worried face, looking at the figure of the number one person in the ship, getting easily persuaded.

"Well, I think it's time for us to get down. Oh..."

Rena looked at him, when he stopped speaking. Frei was looking at the west direction.

"We're almost arrived at Valia." He said.

"Eh?" She turned her head to the west.

From the distance, she could see a solid dark shadow forming the shape of a land. The ship was heading to that direction.

"There are still some time before the ship entered the port. Let's get ready."

Frei took the grappling hook, attached it to the rail, and took his shirt off.

"What are you doing?!" She lowered her sight, couldn't help but blush a little.

His sly smile appeared, noticing her flustered face. Frei lowered his head and spoke closely to her. "You are afraid going down, right? Moreover, do you want people down there to see your panties?"

"Pervert! Y-you did see it last night!" Rena got even redder.

"It was flaunted on me. You should be the one who is more conscious about it."

She couldn't reply back because what he said was true. She just remembered about it halfway to the top. But it was also dark… She thought he wouldn't be able to see it.

(Men really made an extra effort for this thing…) She chewed her lips.

Satisfied with the expression she made, he spoke again. "Don't worry, I won't let others see it."

He wrapped his shirt on one hand and then lifting her. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, inhaling his familiar scent.

"Hold on, tight."

Frei grabbed the rope, put his legs around it, and the next moment, they descend down fast. Rena closed her eyes and when she heard the thump sound, they have landed on the deck.

"That was exciting, wasn't it?" He said.

"...A little." She avoided his gaze, looking sideways.

Her heart was beating fast, excited with the rollercoaster ride she just experienced.

Rena wasn't aware of the gaze of Captain Fawkes and the ship crews, looking at them like they saw a pair of lovey-dovey lover. For them, who had known him for a long time, Frei never showed any display of affection with particular women in public.

He put her down on the ground and she rushed back to her room. It was morning after all, and she must help Jack in the kitchen and prepared breakfast for Frei. When she brought him food, hearing she always ate with Jack, he told her to eat together with him from now on.

"Fine. If you promise me that you'll learn not to be picky anymore." She said.

"Then you should make a dish that I can't refuse." He replied

"…How about the meat?"

"I'll try. As long as you're the one making it."

And that how she ended up spending more time with him.

After they're done eating, Frei took her to wake Jean up. It turned out her teacher was a nocturnal type. He was pissed being woken up. But since they almost arrived at Valia Kingdom, he had no choice but to wake up.

They went outside again together. This time, Rena saw what was before only a silhouette from afar.

The waves crashing on the giant cliff carved with hundreds man-made holes, functioning as windows and gun ports, rows of metal cannons lining up in the cliff, ready to shoot down any invader coming from the sea. The ivory-color cliff, as high as seven story building, stretched out as far as a river, had several watch towers built on top of it. Basked in the morning light, made the visage of this invincible giant fortress even grandeur. In the past, people who lived in this area had dug the rock for many many years, changing the giant rock into a natural fortress. Now, the place had served to become the naval base of Valia Kingdom's Marine Force. All the ships went to Valia Kingdom from the East Continent would be greeted by this spectacular yet intimidating view.

"Whoa... Amazing! How many cannons are there?" Her eyes widened looking at the scenery in front of her.

"In total there are 1211 cannons installed, with 756 normal cannons, 158 giant cannons, and 299 magic cannons, ready to shoot at any given time." Jean replied.

"Haha... What a terrifyingly precise information." She laughed weakly.

Frei chuckled looking at her.

The sea starting to narrow, now the ship entering a small strait, on the right was the fortress island, Fort Forenza, and on the left was the cliff from the mainland.

"So Rena, this place is called Fort Forenza. One of the pillars of Valia Kingdom's military power, from here on, we're entering Valia's territory." He smiled.

"Welcome to the West Continent."