Chapter 32: Half A Cookie

When their foots stepped out from the gate, in front of them was a different world compared to the one they just left. A massive french style garden laid in front of them, as far as their eyes could see. But on closer inspection, it was actually a collection of smaller gardens, and each had a beautiful mansion stood in the center of the garden. The atmosphere was peaceful and quiet, the sound of the birds chirping happily was in the air, and a line of perfectly trimmed trees was planted on each side of the road that would lead them to the white palace in the far distance. No, they weren't in heaven.

Rena, Mirra, and Senka just entered the district where the nobles lived. It was a different contrast to the buzzing commoner district. To think such a peaceful area existed in the most populated place in Valia Kingdom, Ladylake.

Not a single person was spotted walking on the side road, and only several carriages drawn by the most gorgeous Unicorns passing by. According to the guards, the Jaunice's mansion was located just before the road ended. However, they couldn't see the end of the road.

"I'm starting to feel hungry again. We've been walking for an hour but we still can't see his house..."

"Yeah, the distance between each building also getting farther and farther." Rena nodded, agreeing to Mirra's words.

Mirra and Rena were walking next to each other while Senka was following behind them. Now that there was a road ahead of them without any crowd obstructing their path, they walked at a fast pace.

Rena was making an uncomfortable expression since a while ago, her feet hurt. The blisters on the back of her ankles tore, and the skin scraped against the shoes. She got the blisters from walking and running around all day long yesterday.

"Hmm, what's up?" Mirra turned around, Senka tapped her shoulder.

He signaled her to stop, pointing to the spot that was covered by a tree shade.

"Taking a break?"

Wearing his flat expression, he nodded.

Mirra frowned. "I'm not tired already. I want to get to his house before lunchtime and steal all his food."

They stared at each other for a while and then he just walked away, going to the direction he was pointing earlier.

"H-hey!" Mirra shouted. "Where are you going?!"

He sat down and leaned his back against the tree.

"Oh god, he's at it again!" Mirra was pissed, thinking that Senka did things of his own will without considering other people's opinion.

She tried to pull him or drag him, but the guy refused to budge.

In the end, Mirra gave up, and the three of them took a break under the tree.

"See, Purple sis, he always decides everything by himself!" Mirra threw him an annoyed look with a puffy cheek. "Ahh, I wish Sebastian is the one who teaches me..."

Senka pretended he didn't hear that, doodling on the ground with a stick.

During their time on the ship, Mirra had told Rena, often grumpily, how she must keep chasing Senka to teach her or that he refused to teach her certain techniques.

Rena never interacted with Senka back then, so she just listened quietly whenever Mirra released her frustration. But now, that she had time to interact with both of them, she thought they were just misunderstood each other a lot. Mirra, the outspoken and Senka, the bashful. It was unlikely for him to feel tired with only walking this much, his physical capability was higher than average people.

She looked at her own feet and a thought crossed her mind. (Did he notice...?)

And without a care that she would be angry at him, the peeping selkie boy answered, [He did, he did.]

(Neel!!! Go away, shoo shoo!)

Her face turned red and she got flustered. She felt so weird when each of her guesses got a confirmation but not from the person in question. She wasn't aware that he was paying attention to her. Rena didn't understand why and when Senka was interested in her. She didn't know how to take it right now, it was all too sudden for her. But she was happy, receiving his attention. She bit her lips, to hide herself making a silly grin, looking at Senka who was drawing something on the ground.


(Go away! Shoo shoo!)

She opened her bag, distracting herself. Before she started acting weirder and weirder because of Neel. "Mirra, I still have some cookies and dried fish, do you want it?"

"I'll take the cookies then, I don't like dried fish." Mirra said.

Rena checked the cookies pouch and saw there were only two pieces of them left, Baudric ate most of them yesterday.

"Here, Mirra." She gave her one.

"And here's for you, Senka." She gave the last cookie for him.

He took the pouch and when he saw the inside, he returned the small pocket bag to her.

"Eh, it's alright. I'm not hungry." She refused it, pushing it back to Senka.

And he pushed it back to her.

"If both of you don't want it, give it to me." Mirra said.

Senka frowned a little and then he took the cookie and split it into two, giving half to Rena. When she received it, their fingers touched, he flinched and quickly withdrew his hand.

"Thank you." She said.

He stole a glance at her and stopped when their eyes met, he didn't avoid his gaze this time. A little shy, a little awkward, but he looked at her directly. She reflexively lowered her gaze, and her petal-like lips spread making a shy smile. His eyes were so honest, he didn't try to hide his feeling. And when she was confronted with that sincere affection, she didn't know how to react.

She lifted her hands and nibbled the cookie she held. She chewed it slowly as she was, once again, remembered about her current situation, and Frei's face flashed on her mind.

Rena sighed.

They continued their walk after they had enough rest. Rena stepped the back of her shoes, so the blisters wouldn't hurt her. It was rather uncomfortable walking like this, but it wouldn't hurt her feet. That's why, she slowed down a little, walking nearby Senka now. Watching Mirra's energetic figure in front of her, which sometimes turned around and waved, telling them to be quick.

"Isn't she amazing?" Rena said. "Just a couple of weeks ago she had a misfortune, but she quickly recovered her spirit."

He nodded, agreeing with what she said.

"She told me that both of you quarrel a lot, that you often refuse her this and that." Rena glanced at Senka, he was making an uncomfortable expression. "There must be some reasons behind it, right?"

His didn't deny nor agree with her words, only lowering his gaze.

However, during this short time, Rena had summarized her impression about Senka, he wasn't someone who would mistreat a person. It was easy to misunderstand him with his cold expression, shy personality, and the fact that he couldn't communicate verbally. Regarding her noticing his feeling, she would just keep it to herself until the person was ready to convey it.

And reprimanded the boy who didn't understand the word privacy later.

For now, she was happy that she could befriend Mirra and Senka. Rena really liked both of them, so she said, "These few days had been fun, I really enjoy it. If there's a chance again in the future, let's the three of us go together again!" Showing a wide smile to him.

Tearing the usually cold expressionless face was a faint sincere smile that was directed at her. Rena was taken aback for a moment when she saw it. Since he never smiled, that one little smile left a great impact on her.

And when Mirra called them again, and Rena turned her head to her. Without her noticing, his lips moving, speaking silent words.

You're amazing too.
