Chapter 38: The Man Behind The Curtain

The Colosseum had multiple layers of seating where the top floors were reserved for royalties and nobles. Compared to the open air sitting for the commoners, the top floors was built with balconies, each forming a small separated seating area enough for a few people.

And in one of the balcony, a man was sitting there. His face was hidden by the curtain shade which was hung to give more privacy.

His attendant came, informing a guest for him.

"Duke Andorra, a man named Rodemack is asking permission to meet you."

"Let him in." His strong commanding tone gave a hint that he was a man of power.

The servant left and soon enough, a short man with a neat handlebar mustache came in, followed by a young man that was like the representative of a grim reaper. He quickly knelt in front of the man who sat there.

"Duke Andorra." Rodemack greeted him, his voice was trembling.

The young man also knelt beside Rodemack, but before he introduced himself, Duke Andorra spoke, "Black Gale Luxus, the previous champion of The Silver Blade Tournament, isn't it?"

"Yes, my lord, I'm that Luxus." Stayed in kneeling position, Luxus lowered his head even further. He who had a good control over his mind and body as the result of continuous training trembled just by the presence of this man. If Luxus was an eagle, then the man in front of him was the king of the sky, a dragon. The strongest magician in the Ardia Kingdom... No, in Terrasia.

"You are the man who makes every magician and warrior jealous, brilliant in magic and sword." His voice was deep, strong, and cold. "You won the previous tournament, conquering all warriors even without using your magic. Such a magnificent talent you are."

"I'm very much honored, my lord..." Luxus showed his obedience by not lifting his head, not even an inch.

Satisfied with Luxus' respond, Duke Andorra talked to the trembling Rodemack. "So Rodemack, I assume your presence here meant something happened with the item."

"My apology, my lord!" Rodemack bowed until his head touched the floor. "T-t-two nights ago, someone broke into the mansion a-and..."

"Enough." His deep voice cut straight Rodemack's words. "I don't want to hear your excuse. What will you do to compensate for your failure?"

Rodemack shivered like a rat cornered by a predator. He couldn't even blame Luxus since Duke Andorra didn't give him a chance.

"P-please, my lord! Anything but my life!" He begged.

"As much as I want to kill you, you're worthless to be killed. I shall take all your possessions, including your life." Duke Andorra moved his finger. "You're mine now."

A magic circle appeared under Rodemack, glowing runes circling him, binding him.

"Vermillion." A person appeared from the shadow when Duke Andorra called the name. "Guinea Pig."

Rodemack was drag out the room while sobbing hard.

Duke Andorra's attention now was focused solely on Luxus. "Why are you here, Luxus?"

"I was the one sent by Archbishop Clementine to guard the item during the journey," Luxus answered him firmly, but he couldn't erase the chill down his spine. He hadn't reported this problem to the Archbishop yet. That corrupted old fart could be dealt with later.

"And you delivered it successfully. Is there anything else?"

Luxus paused for a while, and said, "I put a barrier in the cage."

"Oh?" Duke Andorra understood right away what Luxus meant. "How did the barrier break?"

"Physical force," Luxus answered him.

"Interesting. Using only physical force to break a barrier of the number one Magic Swordsman in the West Continent. So, are you saying that this person is stronger than you?"

Luxus didn't reply, gritting his teeth.

Duke Andorra seemed to understand what Luxus wanted, he tapped his finger on the armchair. After done assessing Luxus' worth, he spoke again, "You are a rare fighter Luxus, bestowed by magical talent and physical talent. If you follow me, you can go even further. Rather than working with that old senile, why don't you work for me?"

His words surprised Luxus, but he replied quickly, "I'm honored Duke Andorra thinks he can use my service. I swear I'll repay that trust you were given to me by serving you loyally."

"Wise decision, Luxus." His low pitch voice gave away that he was smiling, but it was giving a chill to whoever heard him.

After Luxus left, Duke Andorra directed his sight to the highest balcony in the Colosseum. "I wonder what Beornoth plan this time, betting his talented wizard for this childish game."

"Maybe he knew our plan..." Vermillion who had returned asked his master, his breaking voice, informed anyone who heard it that he was a boy in his early teenage years.

"I doubt it. His hands are full protecting this kingdom. As long as we don't disturb this place, he doesn't have any reason poking his nose into our business."

"But the matter with Sennan House recently... And this time with the Selkie... Who else besides him who dare to do something against us? The old Magnus is one step away from the grave, and we have Hisute join hand with us. Those weak east kingdoms wouldn't dare do anything to us."

Duke Andorra answered with his dreadfully calm voice, "Patience, Vermillion. If he kept chasing us, soon enough, he will appear before us. Until that time comes, we must prepare a welcome party for him."


As they returned to the Colosseum, Frei and Rena must walk slowly. Compared to when they first entered, the seats were far more crowded. She couldn't see Mirra and Sebastian because a lot of people were standing, cheering.

Rena was carrying a paper bag, buying some potion ingredients she saw at the market, while her other hand was held by Frei, so they wouldn't be separated in the crowd.

"Kyaa!" Rena shouted. Somebody grabbed her butt. She turned around to see who did it, but nobody looked suspicious. She cursed in her heart.

Frei turned around, "What's up?"

"No, nothing!" She shook her head, thinking there wasn't any point to make a big deal out of it now.

He frowned, peering at her. "Walk in front of me."

He pushed Rena to the front. When she switched her position with him, he still didn't let go of her hand. She was painfully aware of how he kept holding hers. That hand was like a mannequin's hand because it was so stiff. She didn't even move a finger.

Because of that, she stepped on several people's shoes before they saw Mirra and Sebastian again.

"So how's everything going, Mirra?" Frei who just had returned asked her.

"It's awesome! The match for the sixth block was quite tough. One Eye Figo and Bear Claw Tedd were equal in strength, but Tedd made a small opening which Figo used to deal a fatal move on him!" Mirra was talking excitedly about the match.

"Oh, look at that! They were down to five people now!" Mirra stood up, trying to get a better view of the ongoing match.

Right when Rena looked at the arena, one of the contestants gave a fatal blow to his opponent. The blood splattered on the ground.

She didn't look away, although she was frowning. When she turned her head, she realized Frei was looking at her, smiling.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She looked at Frei suspiciously.

"You didn't look down this time." He said.

"I still don't like it, and I'll never like it. But turning my gaze away won't change anything. And the root of cause why Senka is down there is because of me. It's... my responsibility to see it."

She had learned a lot since coming into this world, she had learned how to take care of herself better in this crazy world, but mentally, she was still weak. Her heart wasn't ready to accept her reality. She wanted to be a stronger person than she was yesterday, that's why she didn't want to avoid her gaze anymore.

"Besides, if I can't handle it, you'll be there to help me." She said, smiling at Frei.

"Heh." He chuckled. "You make it sound I am a nice person. I said don't be afraid to use me, I've never said about helping you."

On the contrary of the words he spoke, his gaze turned soft looking at her.

Realizing this, her emergency survival alarm ringing.

(Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!)

Rena quickly broke eye contact with him, she wondered if he realized that his gaze could melt a snow queen's frozen heart. They were in the middle of a bloody match but everything in the surrounding became blurry to her.

"Perhaps it's you who make yourself like a bad person," Rena said.

"Who knows." Frei shrugged his shoulders and then he didn't talk anymore.

So she turned her focus to watch the match that had reached its final phase; there were only two people left standing on the fighting ground.

"Oooh, The War Fairy Zee avoided Iron Hammer Grimsley deathly strike!"

"Go, Zee!" Mirra shouted loudly from the seat next to Rena.

The fighter called Zee rushed to the front and thrust her spear to Grimsley's side stomach. The giant man was not fast enough to avoid the attack and the spear stabbed his body. Blood dripping from his open wound, a fatal wound that would send him straight to the ER. But Grimsley didn't back down, he clenched his stomach muscle to stop the blood from flowing out, preventing him to faint because lost of blood.

The match slowly became a one-sided match where The War Fairy Zee cornered Grimsly on the wall. The wound he received kept adding.

"Why hasn't he given up already? It's clear to see that he can't fight back anymore..."

"A warrior can't easily surrender, Rena. Sometimes their honor is more important than their lives." Frei replied to her question.

It wasn't that she didn't understand this concept. In her old world, a similar practice was often done by samurai centuries ago. But witnessing with her own eyes how a warrior struggled, bathing in blood, this was the first time for her.

"For honor..." She muttered the word.

"It's not always for honor though," Frei said.

Hearing his words, the question slipped spontaneously from her mouth, "Is there anything else?"

"Hmm, what do you think, Sebastian?" Frei threw the question to Sebastian.

Sebastian who didn't talk much and had a serious attitude kept looking straight, but he heard what Frei said.

"What important for each person is different," Sebastian said. "In my opinion, a warrior bet their life to open a path for what they believe in. It may be for glory, for honor, or..." He paused. "For someone."

Rena felt the words he said carried some weight in it, perhaps because of his serious presence or perhaps the scar on his face made his words more impactful.

"Did you hear that, Rena?" Frei said, interrupting her thought.

"Yeah..." She nodded. "Although, I think it applies to anyone. You don't need to be a warrior to have that mindset. To not giving up, marching forward with everything you've got."

Rena clenched her fist, thinking that she too, won't given up; she'd get back her freedom someday. However, her mind soon went blank. Frei's fingers was touching her cheek, tracing her skin. She froze with eyes opened wide.

"Don't forget, I'll be waiting for you tonight." He whispered.

(W-w-why?! Is this happening because I kissed him last night?? I beg your forgiveness! Oh god of this world, Jesus, Buddha, Zeus, whoever you might be, please lead me not into temptation~~~)

She couldn't shout the Rena's prayer out loud, only kept reciting it in her mind.

Looking at her frozen state, Frei smiled a little. He always found Rena's gaze was endearing. However, today, her gaze had the strongest impact on him since the day he met her. Just earlier, he saw her soft fragile side; how her face was pale, down casting her eyes the entire time, how she cried because of it. Then suddenly, she was like a different person. He was watching her grow and it was because of his words, although it was the words he lightly threw out of contempt of this world. He definitely would never let her go. He would give that position to her. The position he reserved for the most deserving woman.

After ten minutes of struggle, Grimsley fell to his knee and Zee pointed her spear to his neck.

"I... surrender," Grimsley said.

"Andddd the winner of block 7 is The War Fairy Zee from the Valia Kingdom!!!"

The crowd cheered so loud since the winner was from their country. They repeatedly yelled her name like an anthem.

Zee shouted, "Jeaaan, I'm coming from youuu!!!"

Meanwhile in the Jaunice House...

"Achoo!!" Jean sneezed feeling something unpleasant.
